Brett Blumenthal, Shine contributor

    Brett Blumenthal, Shine contributor

  • The most cost-effective, important foods to buy organic

    If we all had a limitless budget to spend on groceries and food, we most likely would opt to buy all organic. There is little reason not to. There has been significant evidence that pesticides, herbicides and synthetic fertilizers are not good for us.On the other hand, organic food and products can

  • The Hidden Costs of Unhealthy Living

    A healthy lifestyle can take a lot of work. And for some, it may seem like it takes a lot of money, too. The reality is, however, that living a healthy lifestyle can save more money in the near- and long-term…not only for you, but also for us as a nation. When it comes to understanding the costs o

  • 6 Spring Date Ideas Kind to Your Budget

    When spring is in the air, it often seems that is love too. It makes sense: During the winter, we have less daylight, tend to bundle up, and opt to stay indoors or at home. During the spring, however, days are longer, we show more skin and are eager to get outside and be social. This spring, enjoy t

  • 6 No-Cost Habits That Impact Overall Well-being

    Your overall well-being depends on a variety of factors. Well-being, by definition, means a state characterized by health, happiness, and prosperity. So, although most of us automatically consider the food we eat and getting exercise as the basis for it, in reality your well-being is dependent on ma

  • 5 No-cost ways to spring into fitness

    It seems that spring has finally sprung and there is no better time than the warm weather to inspire you to get moving! And, if you are on a budget or are trying to save some money, there are great ways to get moving without spending a dime!Check out these five cost-free ways to spring into fitness: