

  • User post: Do you text your child during school?

    "Don't forget I can't pick you up after school." ...."Taking Grandpa to the hospital." or "Call me ASAP I have to tell you something." Are you guilty of texting your child during school hours? Does the teacher have the right to take your child's phone away if YOU are the one texting?It is difficult

  • Dark chocolate, martinis and men

    <p> Dark chocolate used to be one of the first pieces of candy I threw away from my trick-or-treat bag when I was younger. Now, after turning 40 martinis, I appreciate all of the mysteries and hidden secrets dark chocolate has to offer..... </p> <p> In my 20's, I ran toward the glistening wrappers at the clubs and bars.... only to find out.... those men in shiny packaging ....were really just as useless as the crushed, yellow, mini-boxes of Raisinettes I would find at the bottom of my orange, plastic jack-o-lantern bucket. They seemed to be everywhere! Just cluttering my life up and leaving it a mess... even after I thought I had gotten rid of them all! </p> <p> In my 30's, I practically gave up sweets all together and focused on myself. Oh sure, I dated, but I felt I had been to every candy store and bar there was, and I decided I wasn't going to focus on looking for the right one anymore. He would have to find me!..... Perhaps my attitude was based on seeing my own parents failed lives and marriage. They were miserable with each other, miserable with themselves and miserable with the idea of a family. I vowed never to go through that pain again, and thus began my pilgrimage of becoming totally self'-reliant. </p> <p> That now leaves me at 40 martinis and counting come this end of May. I am excited to be turning 40. I earned it! I find myself no longer needing to rush to find excitement.... like I did in my 20's, and I no longer feel I need to hide from the fear of the unknown.... like I did in my 30's. Instead, I have come to know through out the years that the best things in life are usually the things we never spend time considering or even giving a chance. Like moving back to my home town and seeing it with new eyes, or sitting at an outside cafe on a cool summer's night listening to jazz music, and of course, the acquired taste of rich, velvety, dark chocolate that I once threw away as a child! </p> <p> Which leaves me thinking ....that the ingredients in dark chocolate.... has always been the same! The only thing that <i>has</i> changed is me! I am older, more patient, and more willing to appreciate things for what they are.... without expecting them to be something else. </p> <p> So as the chilled-thin-rim of my martini glass touches my lips as I type this....and as the sweet glaciered stream of Raspberry Vodka settles in my mind as I search in my heart.........,I gently set my delicate, stemmed, martini glass back down to its proper place........ and I let my thoughts linger...... and swirl around...... in my mind... of someone whom I have been thinking about.... a lot of lately.............. </p>

  • User post: A whisper is sometimes a cry for help from your teen!

    On Facebook your teen has depressing status updates, when you ask her about it, she says they are just song lyrics and you blow it off as teenage angst. Life goes on as usual for the most part until a few weeks later you pick her up from school and she seems quiet and a little distant. You ask her w

  • User post: How you can help the generation that has it all handle it all!

    Myspace, Facebook, I-Touch, IPod and IPad.... 1,000 channels to choose from and Google to answer any question. This is a generation that has it all and yet can't seem to handle it all! More depression and anxiety disorders have been diagnosed in teens of the Me Generation than in any other generatio

  • User post: Being a mom without having a mom

    I was recently at lunch with two of my friends from high school. We usually gossip, laugh and walk down memory lane, but things took a different turn this time when in between salad bites, Shannon decided to also bite into Crystal's parenting style. It went something like this-

  • User post: You want me to teach your kids under these conditions?

    Bring on the debate! I want to know how teachers feel teaching under the conditions they must teach, and I want to know how parents feel sending their kids to school under less than ideal conditions. This is your opportunity to vent! Teachers- how do you feel about lack of resources, discipline pro

  • User post: Handling Drop-off and Pick-up Drama at the Daycare!

    "I don't know what to do! My 3 year old cries when I drop him off at the daycare and he cries when I pick him up! I feel so guilty and embarrassed."

  • User post: Insider tips for applying to college at a cheaper price!

    Applying and preparing for college can be very intimidating and expensive before you even start your first class! Here are three tips that are not often mentioned!