

  • User Post: How do I get over my EX ?

    I departed from My ex-boyfriend in December of 2009. I couldn't deal with his cheating! Although months have passed by, it still bothers me that he cheated on me. I don't often reflect on it but when I do, I feel disappointed and terribly stupid for overlooking the signs earlier. The woman he was cheating with is now his girlfriend. I would be lying if I said It doesn't bother me, because it does. Never the less, I know he's gone on with his life, as though I never existed. I don't want to rekindle anything, I just want to know how to avoid thinking of him or what he's done. I don't want to get involved in another relationship, nor date other people; I just want to heal properly, as I don't want to carry any baggage into my next relationship. I've been praying, but does anyone have any additional advice?