

  • Are Tanning Parties this Summer's Hottest Moms Night In?

    I am 100% sold on spray tanning. I love being tan. I love the sun. Sadly, there are two issues with this. One, cancer sucks. And two, I'm a mom. If you think I have time to lounge in the sun and acquire an even tan then you're, well, not a mom. Thusly, I am throwing a tanning party, and this deal fr

  • Do you compete via your kid?

    Your child may call them "show offs", we call them "brag hags"...and 82% of the moms we polled claim to abhor the type and those gnarly feelings they bring out. Every time you come across HER she's hinting subtly, or gushing like Niagra Falls, about her child's latest successes learning ancient Gree

  • Would you send your kid to a Chicken Pox Party?

    From regular Moms to celebrities like Jenny McCarthy and Amanda Peet - vaccinations are a topic that elicits our strongest reactions and reveals the depths of our fierce maternal instincts. Some parents actually choose to achieve immunity to some of the vaccine-reduced diseases the old-fashioned way

  • THE Mother's Day "card" to send this year

    What could be better than a paperless, customized and hilarious Mother's Day card to send to all your favorite moms? Send all your favorite mothers this video so that they can be congratulated by President Obama, celebrated by Hollywood stars, praised by remarkably articulate baby, and more. MomsRis

  • Is Mother's Day for YOU or your MIL?

    I have a friend who gave birth a week before Mother's Day. She received some gorgeous flowers when she returned home from the hospital. On Mother's Day, her husband (really, a very nice guy), "stole" the flowers out of the vase to bring to his mom's house, leaving my friend at home with the newborn.

  • JuiceBoxJungle: Is your kid part of our Narcissism Epidemic?

    This Newsweek article "A new book says we're in a narcissism epidemic. Why you're not so special" just came out reviewing a book release about exactly the same topic we cover in our show, "You're Not So Special" (uncanny, right?). In a time when celebrities are cherished and followed around and disc

  • JuiceBoxJungle: Is it selfish for moms to spend time at the gym or playing team sports?

    You would think all that stroller-pushing, tantrum-taming, and guilt-passing would keep you buff. Apparently not so for every parent. But with small kids in the house is it selfish to spend time exercising or playing sports?I say to heck with people who tell me it's selfish. I'm playing my sports an

  • JuiceBoxJungle: Adult Temper Tantrums -- Ugly. Funny. Harmful?

    We all lose our temper with our kids sometimes, and that's okay. Or do we, and is it? Click play to find out, and then tell us your (own) temper tantrum story.40% of the parents we polled called out parents who lose their temper "bad parents". Wow. Reconcile that with the fact that 95% simultaneousl

  • JuiceBoxJungle: The case FOR television?

    There has been much in the blogosphere lately about the recent studies on kids' TV watching. As if we needed proof, these studies show that some TV doesn't hurt, and that educational TV doesn't necessarily help the infant set when it comes to test scores. Shocking. Our generation grew up fascinated

  • Truth AND Dare: What's your Mom Style?

    Speaking of Mom Types...we say there are at least 16 out there. This here's the Mosh Pit Mama. We've got a Whip Cracker and 1950's Househottie among others. Personally, I'm the Slumber Party Mom, last I checked, which makes sense (I *heart* PJ parties).I'm dying to know what types we've got here on

  • JuiceBoxJungle: Are We a Generation of Wimpy Parents? Yes.

    I am tough, dammit. I am not afraid to yell at my kids. I do not shy away from time outs or even, during the twos years, physical restraint when my spirited guy tried to kick his way out of time outs. I don't put up with put downs or back talk and I *hate* video games. I eat dinner with my kids ever

  • Juice Box Jungle: Is it your "job" to handle the homefront?

    If so, you deserve a raise. I've heard so many people say lately that their "job" is staying home with the kids and so they, therefore, should have dinner on the table by 6 and have the house clean and pay the bills (and etc., etc.), that my head is spinning. I do get it. If you stay home with your

  • Juice Box Jungle: Does Daddy do kid-care all wrong?

    Just in time for Valentine's Day, this show from JuiceBoxJungle might remind you of how and why to love your baby's Daddy through all of your frustration with his parenting foibles. Or maybe your partner is perfect and needs no nagging (if so, we want his number). Either way, it's time to sound off

  • "Sleeping Around": Should parents co-sleep with their kids?

    It's a hot week to talk about co-sleeping: On Monday, the American Academy of Pediatrics released a report heavily questioning its safety. Ever since, the blogosphere has been abuzz about all aspects of co-sleeping -- safety pros and cons, bonding benefits, privacy issues and more... Well, safety, s