One Wed's Wedding Maven

    One Wed's Wedding Maven

  • Would You Pay Someone to Write Your Wedding Thank You Notes?

    Every week on OneWed we have a "Question of the Week" where we ask brides (and maybe some grooms) for their opinion on a new trend or idea.Recently, I got a press release from a new company that was offering to write your thank you notes for you. They promised hand-written, personalized notes.

  • Why PETA Should Stay out of the Wedding Dress Business

    On OneWed.com, the wedding website that I write for, we love a good wedding contest. It's great to be able to help brides and grooms find ways to get things for free.

  • Is Anyone Else Sick of Katy Perry?

    One of the benefits of working for a wedding website is that I get to read celebrity magazines and call it "research." After all, you never know when someone famous is going to get engaged!One of the drawbacks though is that I HAVE to keep on celebrity wedding news. I like Katy Perry, I think she's

  • The Birth of Sancti-Mommies

    As a part-time Stay at Home Mom (SAHM) who works in the wedding industry the other part of the time, I see A LOT of women. On the playground, in preschool board meetings, in office meetings, at events, fundraisers and receptions - I am pretty much surrounded by other women.This means of course that

  • Have Wedding Websites Gotten Out of Hand?

    It used to be that only a few tech-savvy brides and grooms had wedding websites. They required a lot of technical know-how and even with that know-how they were time consuming.Now though, wedding planning sites like OneWed.com have made setting up a website easy. Almost all planning sites host free

  • Should You Trash Your Wedding Dress?

    With all the time and energy women spend on finding the perfect wedding dress, a curious new phenomena has started. It's called a "Trash the Dress" photo session. The basic idea is that a day or more after the wedding, the bride goes for yet another photo session. At this photo session the bride eng

  • Are Wedding Dress Models too Skinny?

    On our Wedding Blog we ask a Question of the Week. A few weeks ago I asked brides how they felt about wedding designers using ultra-skinny models to model their wedding dresses.There were two basic types of comments1) All models are too skinny and this is bad for women.2) It's silly for wedding dres

  • Engagement Rings for Men? Symbols of Equality?

    Remember a few years ago when the diamond industry started the whole "right hand" campaign. The idea was that women should buy their own rings to wear on their right hands to show independence, and not incidentally, make more money for the diamond industry.Well, I think they're at it again. How else

  • Should Women Help Choose Their Engagement Rings?

    I recently got a letter to my wedding advice column from a guy who was upset that his fiancee wanted to help pick out her engagement ring. After years of experience, she didn't really trust his taste. This brought up a whole round of conversations on our wedding blog.Some people stand by the idea of

  • Should You Celebrate Your Divorce?

    Last week on our wedding blog, I wrote a post that's really gotten our readers talking.I talked about a new trend in weddings I've been noticing to treat divorce as a rite of passage, similar to a wedding. On Project Runway they had designers re-work wedding dresses to create new outfits that the no

  • Are Bridezillas Real? Are You One?

    I've learned a lot of really wonderful things since I started working at OneWed.

  • Do Men Actually Like Bachelor Parties?

    You know how they say some girls dream about their weddings their whole life? Well, that was never me, but I do know some guys who have been dreaming about their bachelor party since they first discovered a certain magazine under their big brother's mattress!

  • Should You Invite Your Ex to Your Wedding?

    As the average age of brides and grooms increases, more and more people have a sticky etiquette question, "What to do about the exes?" At OneWed, we have lots of different types of brides and grooms, so we know there's no one answer.

  • Are Website Photos Adding to Your Wedding Stress?

    On The Savvy Scoop we run a lot of Featured Wedding photos. These are just great photos from normal people's weddings. Photographers send them to us and we think they're a wonderful way for people to get ideas and inspiration for their own weddings. Some people call them wedding porn, but I love the

  • Is She Addicted to Blogs or Addicted to Weddings?

    Last week while watching the President's healthcare speech I turned to my husband and said, "Do you know who I hate? Joe Lieberman and AngelFaceBride."

  • Can You Wear White After Labor Day?

    Not wearing white after Labor Day is one of those "fashion rules" that people like to point out as silly and unnecessary. "After all, " the fashion forward say, "it's still hot after Labor Day." Of course it's silly and arbitrary, and of course it's still warm after Labor Day. But that's precisely

  • User post: Should Brides STFU Already?

    I don't know if you've seen the hilarious websites STFU, Parents and STFU, Marrieds but basically they give people a place to forward those annoying Facebook posts that seem to exist only for the purpose of bragging about how wonderful your life is!Obviously, I love weddings, but even I get the urge

  • User post: Do Long Engagements Create too Much Stress?

    "Modern custom decrees that the engagement should be of short duration, usually from three to six months, so that the planning time is the least trying to all concerned."

  • The Next Step in Wedding Planning

    Over at OneWed we've launched an amazing new tool. It's called Wedding Pre-Party, and it lets you get your entire wedding party involved in planning the big day. You can ask friends for advice on everything from dresses to how to handle a sticky in-law situation. You can dish, vent, and chat, just l

  • Can you "cheat-proof" your marriage?

    With each new celebrity or political revelation of cheating, a new crop of brides-to-be asks for advice on how to create a cheat-proof marriage.