

  • Why Should We not Taken for Granted STDs- Albuquerque, New Mexico

    Don't wait Call Today 1(888) MAX-LABS or 1(888) 629-5227Nobody wants to admit he or she has an sexually transmitted disease (STD). Nobody likes to come out and reveal. With all the stigma about STDs from the Bible times to the present-day media, infected people prefer to shut their mouth and curl up

  • Uncovering the Meaning of HPV - STD Testing Fort Worth, Texas

    Human Papillomavirus (HPV) is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases. But even though (HPV)it is rampant and prevalent, it's been only found out lately and minimal is known with this ailment. Even though media and school discuss HPV among other STDs, more work is needed to propagate ex

  • Gonorrhea- What's The Cause?

    Gonorrhea is caused by the bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae . The disease can affect mucous linings in the vagina, cervix, penis, rectum, throat, and eyes.It can be transmitted through sexual intercourse, vaginal, oral, and anal. Gonorrhea of the rectum can be transferred through anal sex. The usual

  • Are Sexually Transmitted Diseases Manageable?

    Chlamydia, syphilis and herpes are the most common disease that kill the lives of many all over the globe. These diseases can be passed even without noticing symptoms on the infected person. This simply means that there are diseases that are symptomatic yet others are asymptomatic.Learn more about S

  • STD- Can STD Be Transferred Through Skin To Skin Contact?

    Sexually transmitted diseases or infections are spread not only by sexual contact with the person infected with such disease. Persons can also get this from skin to skin contact especially in area where there are cuts, sores or tears either in the anus or the mouth . Oral and anal sex are also ways

  • STDs- Can I Have More Than One Kind Of STD At The Same Time?

    When a person is infected with gonorrhea, there is a great possibility of chlamydial infection as well as infection of AIDS. The infection can be prevented by a regular STD testing. If the STD testing is disregarded, it can cause serious harm to the human body. Infected persons can manage the diseas

  • Herpes – Something You Should Be Concerned Of

    Herpes is one of the sexually transmitted disease that is being transmitted by individuals unconsciously. This piece of information is something you should be concerned about. Why? Here are the reasons why.Learn more about Herpes Symptoms and Detection Testing

  • Where Can I Go For The Confidentiality Of The Results Of My STD Tests?

    Since the nature of STD is highly personal and you may not want many people to know that you are being tested or what the results are, it is important to use a trusted place for the testing that guarantees to keep your personal information confidential. Utilize confidential STD testing service at lo

  • What To Do With The Herpes Recurrences?

    Recurrences of genital herpes vary from person to person in frequency. Some will never experience an outbreak again, while others may have milder recurrences more than 6 times a year. Recurrent episodes are less severe and are limited to the affected area. Recurrences of Type 1 infection can occur o

  • Can you still get a STD if you are non infected and so is your partner?

    Sexually transmitted diseases are serious, sometimes painful diseases that can cause damage to your body if not treated. Some STDs infest only your sexual and/or reproductive organs. Others can damage throughout the body. When left untreated some STD may cause life-threatening consequences.Learn mor

  • Can STDs and AIDS stay on a used dildo even after you sanitized it?

    It is possible for an STD particularly AIDS virus to stay onn a used dildo even after being sanitized but not very likely. A number of factors would have to be in place. First, the vibrator would have been used by someone who is HIV positive. And, even then, bodily fluids that contain HIV such as bl

  • What will I do if I am infected with STD?

    If you suspect you have an STD, you should never ignore the signs - you should immediately undergo STD testing. Never be ashamed to undergo STD testing; no matter how "gross" you feel your symptoms may be, they've always seen something worse (you'd be amazed). Most STDs/STIs can be controlled if not

  • Can A Syphilis Infected Person Be Infected With HIV?

    Infection occurs when one comes in contact with a syphilis lesion on an infected partner. It is most easily spread to mucous membranes or soft genital skin, but can initially infect any area of skin that comes in contact within a lesion (such as a finger). Infection with syphilis also increases a person's risk of being infected with HIV. Syphilis causes open sores on the genitals that allow the HIV infection to enter the body easily.

  • Cougar STD Alert

    I think it's every young guys dream to hook up with an older woman, or what we like to refer to as cougars. You can't really put your finger on it, but you ask any young guy, and it's crossed his mind a few times. For me, this dream almost happened, but I backed out. I know I'll take heat about this

  • What Are The Symptoms Of Herpes Simplex Virus 2 (HSV-2)?

    HSV 2 is most often related to infections and symptoms of genital herpes, but it also can infect the mouth. The virus remains in certain nerve cells of the body for life, causing periodic symptoms of genital herpes in some people. Many people who are infected with HSV never develop any symptoms of g

  • What are the 10 symptoms of a Gonorrhea Lesion?

    Gonorrhea is caused by the bacterium known as Neisseria gonorrhoeae. One can acquire gonorrhea through sexual contact. The complications of gonorrhea are severe and cause unimaginable damage in the body. It can be transmitted through vaginal sex, anal and oral sex. Gonorrhea is not an ordinary disea

  • Where Can I Get An Accurate HIV Test?

    Most infected people are not aware of their reproductive conditions. They are unaware that they already have the disease. We all knew that STD infection compare to other disease is not easy to diagnose otherwise difficult to cure. STD continues to spread throughout the whole world. It's because, hum

  • Examining and Preventing Gonorrhea Infection

    Gonorrhea is an infection caused by neisseria gonnorhea or gonococcus. In males, it usually starts in the urethra (a tube which connects the urinary bladder to the outside of the body) and may spread to the prostate and epididymis. In females, the infection starts in the cervix and may spread to the

  • How Does One Manage Genital Herpes?

    Herpes infection is the typical reason that acute bronchitis occurs and the illness often follows a cold or even the flu. Those who are infected with genital herpes will have to be extremely careful when having sex. Infected persons will always have the chance of infecting others even if they have already treatment. Contact should be avoided at all costs when sores are present. Condoms will not provide enough protection. Even kissing can transmit the virus. To avoid getting herpes in the first place, safe sex should always be practiced.