

  • Engagement Ring - Does it matter if it's real or not?

    This question has been boggling me. My friend got engaged over the weekend and I'm really happy for her. Her ring is beautiful! But then people started to ask if it was real! She asked me if that matters, and I told her it wouldn't. It's the thought and effort that counts..right? She said that they

  • Why is Shine not on the Yahoo! homepage?

    I noticed the past few days, Shine is not on the the Yahoo! homepage. What's up with that? I don't want to log-in everytime I use the Yahoo! website so that I can read articles on Shine! It used to be right there easy to find and click on when I wanted to. But now, it's gone!

  • Freeze that Belly Fat!

    I heard of this procedure that you can freeze fat cells that you would like to disappear, especially those muffin tops. I'm not sure about this, but here's an article with more info. Enjoy!Would you do the procedure or is this just another one of those easy ways out? Hmmmmmmm.....

  • Acrylic or Gel Nails?

    I've been thinking of getting my nails done and I don't know which one is better, acrylic or gel, long or short? What's the difference? Or is it better if I just get a plain manicure? I heard that it can be damaging to your nails in the long run, so I'm 50/50 on this. I need help to make a decision.

  • First Jeggings and now Pajama Jeans?!

    First came the jeggings...yuck! Now, someone came up with the idea for pajama jeans! Wth?! Ok...now who would want to wear something that you worn all over the place for the day and then going to bed in them? When was it ever right to go out in your pajamas anyways?! People, we have a situation here

  • Hey Shine! Is that lady's picture (in the headline) photoshopped?

    I've been looking at it for some time now. I noticed that the head seems to be smaller and the skin is lighter than the rest of the body! What is up with that? Such irony is going around. In most of your articles, you always find the airbrush mistakes and photoshop scandals and yet here on Shine I s

  • Enough is enough!

    Hey everyone! My roomie's kid keeps askin help on her assignments ALL THE TIME! How do I let the parents know that they should do their part without being rude? I mean..it's not my responsibility in the first place..its theirs. I've noticed that they just rely on other people. The mother isn't worki