

  • Faimly Problems

    Today is a stressful day my remaining faimly members are at olds .My father is dieing and thats stressful enough but when you add more faimly memebers to it wow the stress level goes up even more .I dont get along with my brother due to him laying his hands on me and he was the root of a problem with my illing father and my sister yesterday to the piont where threats where made ..Now thankgiving is a couple of weeks away and the same day is my bday i want my love ones around me but at what expense .Iwanna enjoy my day but this drama is making it hard .. ...

  • When is it time to forgive and forget

    Ive been fighting myself on how to let go of all my hurt and pain..My life was no walk in the park (not saying everyones has)but some can let go faster then others ..Ive been in and out of realitionships that only way a man showed his love for me was beating me as well as my step father beating my m

  • Its time to move on.........

    Waiting for bad things to happen was so last year thats why this yearits all about the good good good good ..Waiting on this apartment to see if i can get it and it looks like god is smileing down on me ..My husbands a good man and hes my rock and i am his .My faimly has been going threw tough times


    Ive found myself saying i hate my life many times but is it my life that i hate or the people in it .No i hate the poor choices ive made in the past and some in the present. Life is you make it for sure and i for one have been threw hell and back twice and never now whats gonna happen in the am ..Sc

  • A new year so limit the drama that tends to come with out warning

    Drama tends to find me when i dont want it.Nobody really wants it but it does come and comes all at once from your family to so called friends to maybe your husband to b ect..PEOPLE will say they care 4 u just for u to open up and let them in and bam u dont know it but new drama.YOU may think that a