James H

    James H

  • User post: Is it good that Subway is now bigger than McDonald's?

    For a long time, the McDonalds chain of hamburger fast food restaurants has been the largest chain in the world with restaurants in almost every country and all major cities. Many American cities have thousands of the Golden Arches, some only a few blocks apart.

  • Update test

    I have been unable to post for some time and no one can tell me why. This is a test to see if the posting function has been restored.

  • Oat Cake good all year

    In Scotland, there's a tradition of giving oat cakes to children on New Year's Eve. This is the same land that gave us the traditional song "Auld Lang Syne." This New Year tradition of the oat cake is called Hogmany.

  • How To Cook Spinach and Greens

    Of all the leafy greens, spinach is one of the most nutritious. Long considered among children's least favorite vegetables, despite the marketing help from cartoon sailor Popeye, spinach is enjoying a great resurgence in popularity. Spinach is the fastest growing segment of the packaged salad market

  • User post: Still Trying to Lose Weight for the New Year?

    Many people make a resolution to lose weight or get healthy in this new year. Those are among the most popular resolutions. But losing weight is hard and takes time. That's why so many people fail.

  • User post: Paula Deen and Smithfield: A Correction and more

    Oops. In my earlier post about Paula Deen and her association with Smithfield, I made an error in spelling her name. It's Paula DEEN, not Dean. It's my mistake and I apologize for the error. Of course, I never dreamed this little blog would be seen as more than an interesting point of information. (

  • User post: Paula Deen, I Love Ya, But Ya Gotta See The Light!

    End your association with Smithfield before your soul is lost forever!

  • User post: More ways to cook potatoes

    Sometimes when I'm writing, I suddenly look up and notice that something has gone on way too long. That happened when I was writing a post about cooking potatoes. I had barely tackled the subject when I noticed it was running long. So, I'm continuing that post here.

  • Fois Gras Complaints Are Back

    I've written about this issue before. But with the holiday season comes a renewal of the controversy over this French liver paté.

  • Cooking Potatoes

    We're not done yet talking about how to cook some of the most popular and most unlikely vegetables on your dinner table. Why? Because we all need to eat more vegetables. But many of us don't because we say we don't like them. Maybe you just don't know what you can do with them. So, here are some ide

  • User post: It's always a good time for Easy Pot Roast Dinner

    Pot roast is an American classic. But it's not just American. You can find pot roast in some form in many countries, especially Northern European areas of Britain and Germany. In the U.S. we have Yankee Pot Roast, which adds carrots, onions, potatoes and celery to the braise. But in Germany, you hav

  • User post: Meal Recipe: Balsamic Pork, Dumplings, Green Beans

    Real balsamic vinegar can be as expensive as a fine wine. A lot of what you find in your local supermarket is regular vinegar to which flavorings, grape juice and color have been added.

  • User post: Stir-Frying Great For Leftovers

    Stir-frying is one of my favorite ways to cook. It's fast. It allows for the addition of lots of flavor without a lot of fat. Add some leftover rice with a little bit of meat and lots of chopped vegetables and you've got a full meal.

  • Cooking Peas

    Okay, with apologies to John Lennon, I have to say it: Give peas a chance. There, now that's out of my system, I can go on talking about ways to cook vegetables. We all need to eat more vegetables, less meat, fat, sugar and salt. But many people don't know how to cook them. Or they just do it the sa

  • Chicken Little Alive, Well In Food Science

    You may already know how I feel about agribusiness. For the most part I am NOT a fan. In particular, I don't like the way agribusiness practices have put our food supply in danger by putting profit ahead of quality. On the other hand, I don't believe in the alleged danger of so-called Frankenfoods,

  • Cooking Leeks

    As we continue our series on cooking vegetables, we come to one of my favorites: leeks. Leeks are relatives of onion and garlic, but they have a more subtle flavor.

  • Cooking Green Beans

    One of the most common green vegetables found on American tables are green beans. These come in a wide variety of types and an equally wide range of names: French beans, runner beans, string beans and snap beans. Some versions are also called wax beans, but this usually refers to yellow pod beans. N

  • Have A Drink After The Feast

    More than likely, you'll be overeating during the holidays. Whether it's Thanksgiving, Christmas or New Year's Eve, eating lots of foods is part of the celebration. But then you feel like a beached whale.

  • Food Knowledge Leads To Better Health

    Remember when you were a kid in adolescence and people told you the weirdest things about sex? You learned later on that "street smart" wasn't all that smart at all. In fact, most of that stuff was just plain wrong - or wishful thinking.

  • Fennel: A Good Addition To Mediterranean Cooking

    We continue our series of posts about cooking vegetables. We all know we should be eating more of them. But many people think veggies are boring. Well, they can be. But they don't have to be. There are many different ways to cook vegetables to make them taste good.