

  • The 5 women I'd like my daughter to meet

    I've been a proud member of Yahoo's Motherboard since its beginnings and love being able to dive into topics and blog about issues that resonate with me. In honor of Women's History Month, the Motherboard has asked me to write about 5 women I want my daughter to know...and let me just say this; she

  • I am one thankful mama this Thanksgiving

    Being that Thanksgiving is this week I thought it would be appropriate to jot off a list of things I'm grateful for.

  • Why girls need their dads

    So I write this blog, Married My Sugar daddy, and while I see it as a tongue n cheek chronicle of my experiences being married to a man who is 15 years older than me- if I dig a bit beneath the surface I know that our marriage wasn't an accident by any means. I'll admit it- I've had a "daddy complex

  • User post: Get your Chanukah on

    As a full fledged member of the tribe- and a yeshiva graduate (okay I dropped out after 10 th grade for the mean streets of public high school- but still feel I logged in plenty of quality Jewish learning during those formative ten years) in my opinion Chanukah is by far one of the best Jewish holid

  • Is happiness possible with a man?

    Once the bloom is off the rose, some (OK, most) relationships enter the lukewarm zone. He wants sex. You would rather watch Desperate Housewives. You love gabbing about that bitchy girl at work. He would rather watch sports. So... are men and women really compatible? More importantly, is happiness p

  • Sweet as sugar: 5 Reasons you should have a sugar daddy

    When I was a wee, nubile 23-year-old writer living in the big bad, very expensive city of Manhattan where rent is the equivalent of a vacation to a tropical paradise and I subsisted on Ramen noodles for two out of my three daily meals, I definitely made a conscious decision to date guys that had sta

  • Hug Your Kids a Little Longer Today

    It's Valentine's day today- that one day a year that you're "required" to give your significant other a card expressing your undying devotion, deep seated love...blah, blah, blah. Before you say that I'm putting a sour spin on this day that love should be in bloom- it's not that, rather I think that