

  • User Post: When Your Child Drops The "F-Bomb"

    I didn't always have the mouth of a sailor-- I was in my early 20's when I started the salty talk. It all began when I started worked in a TV newsroom in Kansas City and sat next to the sports department. The guys who delivered the sports news of the day dropped the "F-bomb" and plenty of other bad

  • User post: Do You Throw Away Your Child's Artwork?

    When my son started attending Montessori I was thrilled to say the least. I loved the exposure he received to a new and exciting world. But this past year he discovered a passion for painting. And when I say passion-I mean he is like an art machine! This child cranks our more artwork than I can pos

  • Jenny Craig vs. NutriSystem

    Losing weight is a struggle for plenty of people. It's a battle I've been fighting almost my entire life. For a few years however, I was dedicated to getting my body in shape and I did. But for the past 4 or 5 years I have not been able to motivate myself to get in gear. It's not for lack of time or

  • One Step Closer To Mom Jeans?

    The other day I ordered a new daily planner. I chose a bright orange one thinking it was very hip and stylish. When the calendar arrived it had a wrapper with a little logo that read, "Mom Agenda." I thought surely it's just on the packaging. I ripped off the label and to my shock and horror the calendar is embossed with the words "Mom Agenda." You've got to be kidding me? This is right up there with wearing Mom Jeans. You know, the jeans that come up to your waist and accentuate your fat roll and your butt. It got me thinking... ...

  • Girdles For Guys?

    Could there be a new girdle for guys? Well, not exactly-but the creators of some of the most sought after undergarments for women are now smoothing things out for men.

  • Nipple Covers, Headbands & Lollipops: Fashion Accessories For the Daring

    This February make your love last all month long with some HOT fashion accessories!

  • The Fish Pedicure

    For the past year or so, stories have been popping up about the "fish pedicure," a pedicure treatment that is popular across Asia.

  • Pee Pee Palooza

    This is really not the type of thing you discuss in "polite" company-but then again, nothing that happens to your body during pregnancy is very polite.

  • My Child Poops Outside, Am I The Only One Who Thinks It's Okay?

    My 3 ½ year-old son finally got his potty training down a couple of months after his third birthday-I should say pee-pee training because that's all he will do in the toilet. He's tried to poop in the toilet but it's just not his thing. When he needs to go "number 2" he strips down to his birthday

  • Skinny Maternity Jeans, No Longer An Oxymoron

    Skinny maternity jeans-it just sounds wrong. Take a pair of skin-tight jeans and put them on a woman with a growing butt and thighs. Doesn't seem like a good idea but I'm now a skinny jean convert.

  • Naming Your Baby: Don't Ask, Don't Tell

    There's nothing more personal than choosing a name for your child. The name may have historic or personal meaning to you and your family. So the pressure to pick the perfect name can be great. There's also a lot of social pressure-Will your friends like the name? Will people know how to spell it? Will children make fun of him? All of these questions are part of the naming process. It's the other part of the process that makes me crazy.

  • The Bra Wars: Which One Really Holds Up?

    Some women are just blessed with good breasts. For the rest of us-there's a war going on.

  • Am I The Only One Who Hates Being Pregnant?

    I know plenty of women who love everything about pregnancy. They love shopping for maternity clothes, they enjoy seeing their bellies grow and they chart every step of the process-I am NOT one of those women. Pregnancy tends to make me cranky and a bit resentful of men-well, my husband.

  • Separate Bedrooms, Not Such A Bad Idea

    Lucy and Ricky slept in separate beds as did every other 1950's TV couple. My grandparents went a step further and slept in separate bedrooms. Lately, I've been thinking they were on to something. When I was little I thought it was kind of strange but my grandmother liked a hard mattress, my grandfa

  • Pregnancy Weight Guidelines

    There's often a lot of anxiety surrounding pregnancy weight gain. Some women are more than happy to put on the pounds and others are terrified of the scale. Personally, I dread getting weighed at every doctor's visit. With my last pregnancy I gained about 30 pounds, which is fairly normal- but I still hated it.