Damienne Ross

    Damienne Ross

  • An Unsolicited Letter to Herman Cain's Accusers

    As the debate surrounding Herman Cain and accusations of sexual harrasment and assault grow and become more and more political, we seem to be forgetting something very important. Regardless of his political stances, economic plans, or donation support, how about the four woman (and that number is growing) who have had to suffer through the publicity of something as personal as their experiences with sexual harassment? As a woman, and moreso a sexual assault survivor, I penned this as an anonymous show of support.

  • Confession: I Don't Believe my Best Friend Will Be a Good Mother

    When someone you've known since kindergarten tells you she's pregnant, there's always a little sense of, "Oh...okay?" And when that best friend is under eighteen, there's that, plus more.This is terrible, but Taylor is the type of girl who no one was surprised to find out was pregnant. She's been se