

  • How I Plan to Watch my Stress Level vs. Temper

    This is a starting point for me to manage my mood at work since I am in a more high profile position and no longer have the luxury of "telling it like it is" to people who make me mad. This has also arisen due to my current health concerns that came from high stress.

  • When You Know You've Been Dissed on Facebook

    So I was up late last night finishing a little art project I'm really proud of and posting the pics on Facebook for my friends to see. Facebook is scientifically-proven to be addictive, so I started randomly cruising my friends' profiles in such a fashion:

  • A Biofilm by Any Other Name

    Full disclosure: I've become an award show junkie since last years Oscars. I've been eagerly awaiting the 2011 Academy Awards since the Golden Globes a month ago. And I was mildly entertained in the first half-hour. Kirk Douglas was surprisingly hilarious! And Melissa Leo dropped an F-bomb that beca

  • User post: Hand sanitizer as emergency deodorant! Who knew??

    So a week or so ago I was on my way to work for a 6 am (ugh!) global teleconference. Major bummer. Halfway there on my 20 minute drive, it dawned on me that I forgot to apply my trusty Secret Clinical Strength. On a side note, I'm surprised that stuff isn't illegal--it works so well!