

  • User Post: What do you say when a parent talks about their terminally ill child?

    A friend directed me to a blog about a couple whose daughter is two and half and terminally ill with a brain tumor. I hesitated. It's so much easier to choose against learning more, not entering the lives of these people, or allowing this precious child to enter my life. I've done this before and it

  • Cleaning: It's OK to Outsource

    I grew up with a stay-at-home mom who did it all. She cooked full dinners, baked like crazy, kept the house super clean, was the queen of crafts, and volunteered constantly in our schools. One might call her Super Mom.Somehow, this apple fell a little further away from the tree. I work a full time (

  • Starting With Soccer

    Early on in our marriage my husband and I discussed plans for how our children's childhoods would be scheduled and structured. My husband grew up in a rural area, lived in the middle of the woods, and had limited scheduled activities. His imagination often served as his playmate and he has wonderful