

  • Let's Get Twisted

    Stupidity will attack you at any time. Random B-Boy Stance pic While trying to relax and enjoy True Life I was assaulted.

  • Chris Brown was on Living Single!

    Om my God! If you tell me you don't see it I will call you a liar in your face! Not only is this dance routine in the hallway a very effeminate dance for the now thuggish Chris Brown, its a complete rip off of Living Single intro dancer. Why a grown ass man would want to rip that dance off eludes me

  • 2 People eating Crap for $20

    I am convinced that Chili's and other restaurants a like, are running the biggest scam of all times--bigger than Watergate, Enron, Madoff and well you get the jist. Now hold your panties as I take you on this conspiracy train.Now imagine customers sitting down at the local Chili's, they get their fo