Wired magazine

    Wired magazine

  • The Creepiest Halloween Candies of All Time

    <a rel="nofollow" href="http://www.wired.com?mbid=synd_yshine"><img src="http://media.zenfs.com/en-US/blogs/partner/ori_163b4fc88f78f7.jpg" align="left" height="32" width="157" alt="" ></a><i>By Lewis Wallace,</i> <b><a rel="nofollow" href="http://www.wired.com?mbid=synd_yshine">Wired magazine</a> <br></b> <br> <b>The days of homemade candied apples may be gone, but these days kids can rot their teeth with a wealth of weirdo treats. Halloween in the '00s means gross-out gummi creations, candy in the shape of insects (or with actual insects inside) and lots of sugary-sweet body parts. <br></b>

  • How to Make Your Office Eco-Friendly

    According to a 2009 Gallup poll, the average employed adult works between 35-44 hours a week.That's a huge amount of time to spend in the office, and yet the same people who change all their light bulbs to CFLs rarely give a second thought to getting their to-go coffee in a paper cup.

  • How to Make Decent Coffee at Work

    Screw those Starbucks lattes! You can make delicious joe with the beat-up old Mr. Coffee in the break room. Here are the four key elements for brewing your own tasty cuppa:1. Beans Buy freshly roasted whole beans and grind before each use. If you must make do with subpar grounds, add an extra tables