Pam Johnson-Bennett, CABC

    Pam Johnson-Bennett, CABC

  • Keeping your cat off the counter

    Of all the places your cat loves to climb and perch, the kitchen counter is typically the one place you don't want her hanging out. Aside from the fact that you don't want cat hair and paw prints all over the food you're preparing, there are some very serious safety concerns to worry about. Your cat

  • Will Kitty be Lonely This Summer?

    As summer inches closer we're ready to break from our normal routine of school, homework, staying home on school nights, and so on. It's time for vacations or stay-at-home vacations, pool time, hanging out on the back deck until the mosquitoes do us in, and in general, limiting our time inside. Unle

  • The "keep it simple" rule of setting up your cat's litter box

    When setting up the cat's litter box, the more complicated you make it, the less likely kitty will want to go there. Sure, you can find litter boxes on the market that do just about everything except take the bag of dirty litter out to the trash can for you, but the price you pay for them (and I'm n

  • Introducing Cats and Dogs

    Dogs and cats can make wonderful companions. In order to make a good match and keep both the cat and dog safe, it's important to do your homework so you can try to create a compatible match. Once you've picked a companion you'll need to do a careful, gradual introduction. If you attempt to merely pu

  • What Behaviors Are You Reinforcing in Your Cat?

    Sometimes the reason a cat continues to display the very behavior we don't like is because we, as owners, reinforce it. Of course, we're certainly not doing it on purpose but the bottom line is that the cat is receiving a message that says keep doing what you're doing.

  • Taking the stink out of your cat's litter box

    If you open up the pages of your favorite cat magazine or watch cat-related commercials, you're bombarded by countless manufacturers claiming their products can reduce or eliminate litter box odors. Whether it's something you sprinkle into the litter, spray in the box, or add to your cat's food, com

  • Has your cat lost interest in playtime? It may be a toy preference issue.

    Playtime is important to your cat. No matter what her age, she still needs the opportunity to enjoy her environment by engaging in the natural cat behavior of stalking, pouncing and capturing. Due to your cat's age, physical limitations and medical condition she may not do gravity-defying jumps and

  • Cat Adoption and Seniors

    A cat can be a wonderful friend for a senior citizen. Pets are great companions for people at any age but a cat may be a perfect match for a senior. For older people unable to walk a dog or unsure of themselves being outdoors in bad weather, cats are an ideal choice because they can remain indoors.

  • 10 Tips for Maximizing Litter Box Appeal

    The litter box is a very important part of your cat's life, yet we often don't do our part when it comes to making sure the box is clean and appealing. Cleaning and maintaining the litter box may not be your favorite thing to do when it comes to being a cat owner, but it's crucial to your cat's heal

  • Animal Disaster Preparedness

    Saturday, May 8 is National Animal Disaster Preparedness Day. Being ready for an emergency situation is something you may think you're prepared for but sadly, most families aren't. Even if you're able to evacuate from an emergency situation and get to a shelter, the one family member who may not get

  • Mistakes Cat Owners Make When Trying to Solve Litter Box Problems

    It can be extremely frustrating when your cat stops using her litter box. Suddenly everything in your home can become a potential target of urine. Litter box aversion is the most common problem clients call me about and in many cases those clients are at the end of their ropes. Nothing sends a cat t

  • How to develop a good relationship between your cat and your child

    Your cat and your child can develop a close and wonderful relationship if you show your child the correct way to interact and provide your cat with areas of safety. If done correctly, this relationship can start your child on a lifetime of showing tenderness toward animals. From the cat's point of v

  • Is your cat mad at you?

    "He's mad at me!" "She's doing this to spite me!"

  • Are there really cat whisperers?

    Are you a cat whisperer? This is a question I get asked at least a dozen times a day. My answer is always No.

  • Feline Time-Sharing

    When it comes to time-sharing, nobody does it better than the cat. I'm not referring to a cat's ability to pick out a condo on the beach in Florida, but rather, the ability to co-exist with other cats. A cat tries hard to work out a schedule for sharing territory or particular spots in the house dur

  • The Declaw Controversy

    The last blog sparked some passionate comments regarding declawing so I thought this would be a good time to discuss what's involved in the procedure and why it's not something you want to put your cat through.

  • What to do when kitty bites you during play

    During playtime, it's normal for a cat to use her teeth and claws but that behavior should be directed toward the toy and never an owner. If you use fishing pole-type toys during interactive playtime you'll keep a safe distance between your cat's teeth and your fingers. If you attempt to hold a smal

  • Why Cats Can't be Vegetarians

    Recently I received several questions about whether cats can be vegetarians. The answer is a very simple no. If you are a vegetarian or vegan and you object to feeding meat to your cat, you will be seriously jeopardizing his health if you try to have your cat follow your nutritional beliefs or routi

  • Helping Shelter Cats This Christmas

    During this very special time of year as we shop, plan, and get excited for the holiday, many of us make sure to include our four-footed family members on the Christmas gift list. The pet store aisles are filled with lots of toy-filled stockings, treats, and all kinds of goodies to thrill kitty on C

  • Ambushes at the litter box

    Many people think of the cat's litter box as simply a private place to eliminate. Get a plastic box, fill it with litter and stick it in the corner and the cat will pee there, right? Not always. Although there are many reasons why a cat may choose another location for elimination other than his litt