Amy 24/7

    Amy 24/7

  • User Post: How to make a Parenting Wisdom Tree

    My sister-in-law is about to have her first baby, so, I took it upon myself to plan her baby shower. I knew I wanted to do something unique but I was lacking inspiration in the idea department.So, I Tweeted my baby shower woes (I was looking for unique centerpiece ideas) when, the High Heeled Mama c

  • 100 words or less: When I least expected it

    I have recently dug pretty deep into my soul and have re-evaluated myself as a wife, a mother, a sibling and a friend. It happened when I least expected it. It's amazing how the choices of others can so profoundly affect a person who is not directly involved in a situation.Since I've spent time re-e

  • User Post: Mom, there are some things I want you to know

    Mom, there are times that I think you might wonder why I write about the memories I have of dad, yet I don't always talk about the memories I have of you. We're still making memories, which I'm extremely thankful for. My memories of dad are fading and that scares me, so I write about them to try and

  • Thinking about Child Hunger in America

    You know when something is presented to you at the right moment, how it can really make you sit down and think? How it makes you want to absorb as much information as you possibly can and how it even makes you feel like getting more involved? Well, I have been presented with an opportunity like that

  • Keeping her safe online

    "Mommy, may I use the computer to play my online games?"That is a question I hear on a daily basis, from my five year old. I didn't use a computer until I was about fourteen years old and even then, I was just playing games from a 5-1/4" floppy disc. I hadn't heard of the internet and I didn't actua

  • User Post: Don't let her hear my thoughts about school

    I still can't believe my first child will be going to Kindergarten this Fall. It doesn't seem real. The years are going by so quickly; jam packed with family functions, doctor appointments, preschool drop-offs and pick-ups. I thought I was ready for this transition but I had a little reality check r

  • Carrying on the Thanksgiving tradition

    November is officially the one month where I look forward to a huge, guilt-free feast. This year, we traveled almost 600 miles to spend Thanksgiving with my family. If I had to choose one meal out of the year to enjoy with family, this would be it. Childhood memories of Thanksgiving past came floodi

  • User post: How do you define "eating healthy"?

    There has been much talk in my house lately about eating better and living a healthier lifestyle. I have never been one to spend too much time focusing on my eating and exercise habits (or lack-thereof) and in the past few years, my figure has spilled the beans on that big secret. I've always been a

  • Boarding for Breast Cancer: Educating Our Youth, Our Future

    Finding a lump is one of my biggest fears. Do you check yourself on a monthly basis? Don't you think we all should? Yeah, I do too. So, I'm setting a reminder for myself every month because I have many reasons to stay on top of my health.I lost my dad to cancer and my mom has had skin cancer. I know

  • Interview with Tor Hyams, co-founder of Kidzapalooza – Part 1

    Last month, I met up with record producer, Tor Hyams to talk about his ingenious idea of "Kidzapalooza", the family stage at Lollapalooza. This is Part 1 of our interview. Tor's daughter and "Co-Emcee" of Kidza, Sydnie, joins us (did I really call her a "secretary"?). I love getting the perspective

  • SAHM turns CM

    "CM" is my made up acronym for "career mom" because I'm not sure what to label myself from here on out. I've spent the last two and a half years tending to my toddler on a daily basis. Watching her grow, learning with her and just enjoying life in general. I'm now hanging up my track suit in exchang