

  • A user asks: If a man cheated on his wife, should he tell her?

    I sometimes hear from panicked husbands who have just cheated on their wives. They often didn't intend for this to happen and are reeling as to what to do next. Many ask me what they should do immediately following the cheating. I often hear comments like: "I just cheated on my wife. This is a disas

  • What Makes Extramarital Affairs End?

    I often have two different sets of people asking me this question. Sometimes, people whose spouses are having an affair want to know why and how affairs end so that they can attempt to make the affair end sooner. Other times, I hear from the people involved in the affair. They don't want it to end s

  • When Your Husband Is Still Lying About The Cheating When You Want To Save Your Marriage

    Many women who are dealing with a husband's affair will tell you that the lying is one of the biggest issues to overcome. Processing the lies that he told you while the affair was going on can be extremely difficult. But dealing with his continued lies when the affair is out in the open can be even

  • User post: "I don't want my husband interacting with the co-worker he cheated on me with."

    It goes without saying that the ideal when you're trying to save your marriage after infidelity or an affair is for the spouse who cheated to cut off all contact or ties with the other person. It's difficult enough to save your marriage when it's only the two of you, but this becomes more difficult

  • How Do You Even Begin To Respect A Man Who Was Unfaithful?

    I often hear from wives who are struggling with many issues after their husbands cheat or have an affair. One very common issue is that of respect. Since husbands lie and cheat while they are unfaithful, it can be hard to respect someone who has shown these attributes.

  • Why Would My Husband Have An Affair With Her When She Isn't Even Attractive? What Could He Possibly See In Her?

    Wives often ask me what husbands see in the other woman who he cheated or had an affair with, especially when she's not particularly beautiful. I recently heard from a wife who said, in part: "my husband cheated on me with an overweight, underachieving woman who is much older than both of us. She's