Mia Redrick

    Mia Redrick

  • Busy with Kids? Five Ways Moms Can Still Grow

    As a mom, when was the last time you really did something for yourself? Odds are, you probably don't remember. Or if you do remember, it was quite a long time ago. The problem with motherhood is that we have a tendency to put our children's, husbands, and everyone else's needs before our own. It often feels like that's what we were meant to do.

  • 6 Tips to Avoid the Holiday Blues

    According to a recent poll conducted by the American Psychological Association (APA), the holidays are a source of "multiple stressors." 69% of respondents cited "lack of time" as a major stressor, 69% cited "lack of money" and 51% blamed extra stress on "the pressure to give or get gifts."

  • 8 Ways to Get Your Family to Help You Around the House

    We'll start with the good news. The United States is tied for number 1 with Norway for equal division of household chores between men and women. According to the Journal of Marriage and Family, men contribute 46% of the United State's household chores. The bad news is that housework never ends. Here's a list of 8 ways to enroll your family into helping more around the house. First, however, here is a small list of ways to not get your family to help around the house: nagging, yelling, coercion, and anger. ...

  • Four Strategies for Moms to Practice Better Self-Care

    If one millions moms took better care of themselves in 2011, the world would be a much better place. Their stress would be reduced, which would mean that they wouldn't snap at their children and husbands as much. Their mental and physical health would improve too because they would take the time to