Learning Hair And Skin Naturally

    Learning Hair And Skin Naturally

  • Hair Loss: Part One

    There are so many different reasons why women will lose hair or become very thin. The culprits that women most often identify with are stress, hormonal changes, and chemicals placed on the hair.

  • Dark Knees & Elbows: What to Do About It

    The darkness of knees and elbows comes from dead skin that happens to show up more on people of color. The friction of leaning on the elbows and kneeling on the knees contributes to the darkening of these particular body parts. You can always try products that lighten the skin by visiting a doctor or buying over the counter ointments. Below is a simple recipe that will help out with dark knees and elbows. Give it a few weeks to see any changes.

  • Tips for Dry Skin

    Dry skin is something that the overall majority of us will experience at some point of our lives. It can causes itchiness and scars from excessive scratching. Lucky for us there are several things we can do to combat dry skin. 1. Moisturize the body after taking a shower. Don't completely dry your skin but there isn't a need to be wet either. Just blot your skin, leave the skin damp before applying some sort of moisturizer. Alternatives to lotions are butter creams (olive, mango, etc) and oils.

  • Polyquaterniums: Conditioning Ingredients

    According to FreeDictionary.com polymers are " Any of numerous natural and synthetic compounds of usually high molecular weight consisting of up to millions of repeated linked units, each a relatively light and simple molecule". So, what is the big deal for people creating their own products or who are consumers? Polyquaterniums are a great inclusion in hair and skin care products since the desired qualities of merchandise (such as moisturizing and conditioning) are enhanced by this category of ingredient. ...

  • Hair Loss: Part Two

    Braids and weaves: Braids and weaves can make the hair thin and create hair loss that is known as central centrifugal cicatricial alopecia. This type of hair loss occurs at the crown and spreads. The problem is the tight strain and tension that is placed upon the scalp and hair with braids and weaves creating scarring. Unfortunately, the only viable solution for this type of hair loss is a hair transplant which is not always an option since the potential donor sites may be impacted as well. The scalp has been scarred so hair can not be stimulated to grow by taking medication.

  • Calluses Be Gone

    Yes, those wonderful calluses that make our feet look great when wearing sandals or high heels is the focus of this post!

  • Carrier and Essential Oils

    Carrier oils are beneficial for the hair and skin due to the nourishment and moisture that is provided in abundance. There are numerous carrier oils that are extremely heavy, in terms of, thickness and heaviness which is great for dry hair, yet, there are carrier oils that are considered to be "dry" or said to have "astringent" qualities. These types of carrier oils have a light or dry feel on the skin and absorbs very quickly due to the many tannins and catechins that can be found in the chemical composition.

  • Hydrosols for Gentle Skin Care

    Hydrosols are the products that remain after roots, barks, plants, flower, or seeds are steam distilled. Hydrosols can also be the remnants of the essential oil making process. Unlike essential oils a hydrosol can be applied directly to the skin without dilution since this ingredient contains some elements of essentials oil but to a lesser extent. Be aware that often hydrosols do not have a strong smell if any. Often the essential oil and hydrosol may smell very differently from one another.

  • Fatty Acids: Good or Bad for Hair & Skin

    Fatty acids are what, in part, compose oils and are considered essential or essential. Essential fatty acids are those that are not naturally produced by the body while non-essential fatty acids are produced by the body. Essential fatty acids must be obtained through taking supplements, foods, or a topical application. Fatty acids are a result of the breaking down of fats that produce a chain of hydrocarbon. In order to have healthy skin, hair, and scalp fatty acids are a necessity.

  • Hair Care Tips

    Visit me at Learning Hair and Skin Naturally

  • Fatty Acids, Part 3: Lauric Acid

    Visit me at my facebook page: Learning Hair and Skin Naturally

  • Fatty Alcohols: Hair & Skin Care
