Royale Scuderi

    Royale Scuderi

  • Are You Up for the Challenge?

    I challenge you to a race… A race against time. A race against yourself. What could you do faster? Where would a bit lower quality be OK if it saved you time? What is necessary, but you'd like to spend less time on it? Perfection is the enemy of time. Distraction is the enemy of time. Overwhelm is the enemy of time. Mindless activities are the enemy of time. We are often our own worst enemy of time. In many cases, we can do something to save, recover, and take back that time. Challenge yourself to a race. I'll be doing it along with you. ...

  • 10 Things You Could Do with an Extra Hour Per Day

    Have you ever stopped to think about how you could spend an extra hour a day if you had one? I surely have, quite often actually…and here are some of my suggestions.

  • What Would You like Your Life to Say About You

    Ghandi had once said, “My life is my message.” There is little doubt that he personified that philosophy. When we think of him, the phrase that most often comes to mind is, “Be the change you want to see in the world.” That is precisely what he represente

  • How to Live a More Productive Life by Changing This One Thing

    I read an article a few weeks ago about a writer who decided to radically change her writing schedule and found as a result that she was able to see a significant increase in her ability to be productive and get things done. I was inspired to adapt this f

  • Avoiding Common Productivity Traps

    We are working really hard, pushing ourselves to achieve more and yet we just can't seem to get it together. Maybe it's not that we're not working hard enough as the voice in our head might claim. In reality it's just that we fall victim to the myriad of productivity pitfalls that plague our days.