Joanne Bamberger aka PunditMom

    Joanne Bamberger aka PunditMom

  • Moms Can Make the Air a Little Cleaner

    When The Clean Air Act was signed into law back in the peace, love and flower-child days of the 1970s, I'm sure there were plenty of parents who believed their children and grandchildren would be able to inhale a little deeper and breathe a little easier as they grew up. But in the decades since its

  • Michelle Obama's Facebook Rule is Good Enough for Me

    Navigating the treacherous waters of social media with an 11-year-old can be pretty scary. Even when I think things are under control, they really aren't. An e-mail account should be innocuous if I keep tabs on the messages, right? It is -- until she's allowed to access her E-mails on school compute

  • Who Knew Spending $100 Would Be So Hard?

    We try our best in our family to be kind to people throughout the year and make regular contributions to charities we believe in. If we have money or time to give, we usually have no problem figuring out how to use it. And we're a family that's all about the importance of everyday kindness -- saying

  • Five Things for Politicians to Remember About Women Voters This Election Day

    For the last year and a half, I've been working on a book about the increasing involvement of mothers in the world of politics as a result of our new social media world. When I submitted my manuscript (what feels like a decade ago!), few were really writing about or analyzing the idea of motherhood

  • Motherhood: The Definitive Political Qualification?

    Women with children bring a unique perspective to the political process. It's no big secret I believe that and I'd like to think at this stage of the political game, it shouldn't be a surprise to other politicos. But one of the candidates for governor in Oklahoma has taken that idea beyond its logi