

  • Sheryl Sandberg Wants to Ban the Word 'Bossy'

    After inciting much-needed conversation on workplace feminism with her book, Lean In, Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook COO and mother of two, opens up about her own family life and gives us the inside scoop on her new Ban Bossy public-service campaign-which starts by asking parents and kids alike to stop using the word "bossy" to describe strong girls. What can we do to help ban the word "bossy?" People often see gender inequality as a problem too big to fix on their own, but I think cultural shifts happen by small things we do each day. How did becoming a mother influence you to start the Ban Bossy public-service campaign? Becoming a parent was a big part of my journey to Lean In and Ban Bossy.

  • What the Fiscal Cliff Could Mean for Our Kids (OPINION)

    By Amy Julia BeckerEven though I'm the mother of three small children, I've never been a huge fan of child safety regulations. I often roll my eyes at warnings on labels. I think back to my own childhood, when Fisher-Price Little People were shaped like cylinders instead of marshmallows, and we still managed to survive. I think back to my helmetless bike riding days. I often tell my kids that I believe in germs and dirt, by which I mean I bypass antibacterial hand wash, and I allow them to play with other kids who have the sniffles (though I avoid stomach bugs like the plague). ...

  • Peanut Recalls: What You Need to Know

    If your family eats peanuts, peanut butter, or other peanut products, you’re most likely concerned by the recent slew of recalls of some of these foods because of possible salmonella contamination. Here's what you need to know.

  • Why You Shouldn’t Reward Kids for Learning

    This past summer we chose not to participate in our library's reading program. Though my kids love reading I didn't want them to equate reading with getting prizes. Studies show reward systems don't benefit long-term learning goals.

  • Adopting a Sibling Group is a Bigger Deal Than One

    One of the first things you realize when you start filling out domestic adoption paperwork via foster care is how many brothers and sisters must be separated during the domestic adoption process because it’s nearly impossible to take multiple siblings.

  • Two Autism Moms on a Mission to Create a Sensory Gym in Their Neighborhood

    Alysia Butler and Tina Perriello are two autism moms who are working desperately to fill a void in Hopedale, Massachusetts.

  • Decode Your Child's Drawings

    Artwork is filled with insights into your kid's mind -- if you know what to look for.

  • Why I Love ‘Vagina’, Naomi Wolf’s New Book

    I try to be a liberated mom. In all the years I've written about sex, experts have advised me to teach my children proper terms for their body parts. Naomi Wolf's new book 'Vagina' shares my mission.

  • Arsenic in Rice: Should We Cut This Grain Out of Our Children’s Diets?

    Reports of arsenic in rice have led many of us to scratch our heads, and wonder if we exposed our families to a dangerous chemical. You may have even thrown out all the rice and rice products in your cupboard. But are we overreacting?

  • 19 Habits of Highly Effective Parents

    Moms and dads from our Facebook community share the parenting routine or habit they feel most proud of when it comes to effectively raising happy, responsible kids. <br> <br> <i>By Katie Thomas for Parents Magazine</i>

  • What Moms Want in a President: The Parents Platform

    It's time for both parties to listen up, as moms outline the issues they care about most.

  • 5 Exceptional Elementary Schools—And How Yours Can Be like Them

    They don't have a big budget or charge tuition. Yet each of these ten elementary schools excels beyond traditional expectations. Learn how to bring their innovative ideas to your kid's classroom.

  • 8 Facts About the 'Autism Diet'

    One of the most popular alternative treatments for autism is the gluten-free casein-free diet (GFCF). It has not been proven to work, and many doctors are cautious about it, but if you're wondering if it could help your child, read these facts.

  • Teach Your Kids How to Make Friends

    Help your child master the grade-school social scene by practicing these five skills.

  • “He Doesn’t Look Autistic” and Other Misconceptions About Autism

    I remember the first time my family started questioning whether my son had autism. We all had our own myths and misconceptions about autism. And when he was diagnosed we had no choice but to separate autism myth from autism reality.

  • 8 Non-Religious Reasons to Take Your Kids to Church

    Year after year, polls show that "churchgoers" not only experience more positive emotions but also less negative emotions than people who do not regularly attend church, synagogue, or mosque.

  • 11 Free Back-to-School Apps for Parents

    Turn your smartphone or tablet into command central with everything you need to plan, prep, and navigate your kid's year. The best part? These great apps for Apple and Android devices are all free!

  • Is Bad Parenting to Blame for the Aurora Tragedy?

    After saying a prayer for the Aurora shooting victims and their families and one in gratitude for our kids' safety, my thoughts were for the parents of everyone involved, including the shooter's parents. Are they to blame for their child's deed?

  • New Dolores Cortés Model Helps All Kids with Special Needs, Says Her Mom

    Valentina Guerrero, a 10-month old from Miami who has Down syndrome, is the new face of Dolores Cortés DC kids' swimwear line. It's no surprise that mom Cecilia Elizalde has been flooded with calls from agents. Here's what she had to say.

  • The Abuse of Children with Disabilities: Sadly, This is Not News

    Children with disabilities are at much higher risk for experiencing violence than kids without disabilities, says a new report from the United Nation’s World Health Organization.