

  • Anxiety - An Unseen Problem

    People who deal with anxiety and panic attacks are more common then you may realize. Statistics show that over 19 million Americans suffer from anxiety disorders. Anxiety is a mental illness that falls close behind alcohol and drug addiction as most common disorder in the United States. Check out th

  • Destruction of the Human Body

    Antibacterial? Antimicrobial? What the heck is this? Some people in this world are getting too soft. Have we become too scared to touch or do anything anymore? Household cleaners can contain harmful ingredients, some more harmful than the germs they are designed to kill.Check out the link below for

  • Preventing a Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA's) - The Mini Stroke

    A transient ischemic attack, also known as a "mini" stroke, is when the brain, retinal, or spinal cord suffers blood loss for a short amount of time. TIA's are dangerous in that they can raise the risk of future strokes.See the article below for tips on how to spot and prevent TIA's: