• Where We're Going

    Where is it going? Amidst the busy lives and demands of what we do, I am caught with this question inevitably somewhere in my thoughts. I know how these words could lead us; it will be a difficult choice. With what's at hand, with what's real… the answer seems there. NOWHERE.

  • Changing Paths

    That moment when you feel so certain of what perspectives you've got, along the way , can come to unexpected turns. The path clearly set has to change, for some reasons that instinct, or even intuition has led. It is wise though that beyond overwhelming transitions of life, you know where you are he

  • irony

    once its lost, its lost forever..the irony is that, no matter how you try to keep and bring it to forever, you run out of reasons not to..and there's acceptance..and reviving back your own..Life is so great to lose,love is so strong to be weak, the world so huge to get lost in impasse..hope too irre

  • ME...only ME

    "True security doesn't come from 'having' another person, but from seeing that you are capable of completing yourself. "

  • To love again

    After every relationship, we often get hurt. Amazingly, i got to overcome a special connection with someone i truly adored. It was indeed a kind of company that i honestly considered myself naive. I knew where i stood, and i gave what i could for the heck of selflessness. I was contemplating why i c

  • single, again?forever...!!!

    In the midst of busy life, its still a wishful thinking to love and be loved. This had been a longing that for now, seem so out of reach. In the years that passed, too much of chores and work always left the heart wandering.. or if not, falling for somebody that shouldn't be ..It was indeed tiring a

  • Loosening up the grip...

    After a while, it was an absolute flat feeling of frustration. In the moments shared together, there were memories made and thoughts realized. Getting used to what's at hand now brings some teary moment. However, its always perceived that in every chance we let ourselves get drown into emotions, the

  • The Drummer

    For sometime, i have let this special feeling grow for that guy who taught me how to play the drums.I have nurtured the fondness in him and made connection in some friendly and warm way. I have shown him that interest, and he has been gentleman enough to return the warm treatment.It could have been

  • Wandering

    Being a single parent for almost five years, i realized that its something livable.At times the loneliness gets in, and brings back questioning. The rainy days will always revive old hurts of the past that has been buried in the memories better unremembered. And some painful realities will add to th

  • feeling young

    I have always believed that there is a child in us..being a teacher for teen age kids had me understood that kids really have their own way of expressing feelings, and having their own culture..At most times, they amuse me with their ideas and sharing. I am in my early 30's, and it is funny to reali

  • The road

    when its a perfect life that you are in control of things, its a joyride that starts to end the moment something or someone catches your breath away..for a moment, you stop and linger to it. The encounter could be a roller coaster ride that leads to other avenues,but the journey has been set. The ex

  • Life is what we make it

    learning to live life well is a matter of setting priorities.Make life fun, and inspiring.The world is busy, but making a difference is what that matters.