

  • The Cloth Diaper Diaries: Week *mumble mumble*

    Okay, so it's been a while. Apparently, having a 6 month-old baby is distracting, or something. Who knew?I've been using cloth diapers for about 2 months now. We're absolutely loving it over here- both my husband and I are very happy we made the switch. We're super-proud to show off our little girl'

  • Adventures in Parenting: The Nursery

    Like many excited parents-to-be, my husband and I put a great deal of effort into making our nursery the perfect space for our baby. We have many of the nursery staples- a dresser that doubles as a changing table, a crib, a glider and ottoman. My husband spent hours meticulously decorating the walls

  • The Cloth Diaper Diaries: Week 4

    As my first month of cloth diapering comes to end, I'm reminded of the reason I started this journey: to save money. Today, I want to look at how much money I'll be saving. Here's hoping it's something worthwhile!

  • Adventures in Parenting: Sleep

    Rosie is about 5 ½ months old, and still not sleeping through the night. Some nights aren't too bad- last night, she only woke up twice, and went back to sleep with a little bit of rocking. Some nights are kinda' bad- Saturday night, she woke up 7 times, and did not want to go back to sleep without

  • The Cloth Diaper Diaries: Week 3

    As my third week of cloth diapering comes to a close, I find myself getting more and more excited about it. I've sold my remaining stash of disposable diapers, so there's no turning back now! I've even ordered some Rockin' Green detergent, which seems to have the most recommendations for washing clo

  • The Cloth Diaper Diaries: Week 2

    Well, we survived Week 2! It's been going well, and we're definitely happy about our decision. I kinda' just jumped into this, with just a little bit of research. If cloth diapering is going to be popular, it has to be easy, right?

  • The Cloth Diaper Diaries: Days 4, 5, and 6

    Not a whole lot happened the past few days. We continued using cloth diapers- the gDiapers and a couple all-in-ones (AIOs) I got from eBay. This is really easy on weekends, when my husband helps out. I think he's starting to get excited about this, too. I know I am- we're definitely making the switc

  • The Cloth Diaper Diaries: Day 3

    Not a whole lot of excitement for Day 3. I only had a few clean inserts left, so we used disposables the rest of the day. I took some time to do a bit more research, and try to figure this cloth stuff out.

  • The Cloth Diaper Diaries: Days 1 and 2

    Laugh along as I (pretty much) blindly jump into cloth diapering!

  • Adventures in Parenting: Teething

    My little girl, Rosalyn, is about 4 ½ months old. She's been a bit out of sorts the past few days. She's been fussy, and not sleeping well. She's been biting down on my nipples when she eats- quite forcefully. The only thing that calmed her down was chewing on something cold- a wet washcloth, a chi

  • Adventures in Parenting: Cloth Diapers

    I think you'd be hard pressed to find someone to disagree with me when I say: Parenting is tough!