Tips on Healthy Living

    Tips on Healthy Living

  • Why You Involuntarily Twitch in Your Sleep

    While winding down to sleep, sometimes people startle themselves (and their bedmates) with a massive, involuntarily jerk. Here's the science behind this curious behavior–and why you may often dream of falling. From The Secret Life of Sleep.

  • How to (Finally!) Remember People's Names

    Before you greet your new neighbor or coworker with "Hey…you!" again, try one of these memory tricks from The Working Memory Advantage.

  • Myth: Low-Fat Diets Prevent Cancer

    A widely held belief about women's health–that dietary fat causes cancer, including breast cancer has turned out not to be supported by scientific evidence. From The Big Fat Surprise: Why Butter, Meat and Cheese Belong in a Healthy Diet.

  • The Amazing, 20-Minute Fat-Burning Workout

    No need to log hours at the gym. If you want to lose weight, hit the bike three times a week for this quick HIT (high-intensity training) workout from FastExercise.

  • Stop with the Love Locks: 5 More Romantic Ways to Express Yourself

    London Bridge is falling down… and so is the Pont des Arts in Paris. What started out as a heartwarming way for vacationing lovebirds to express their eternal love for one another has turned into an infrastructural burden for cities from Rome to Tel Aviv.

  • Why I Said No to TV and Video Games for My Kids

    One thing I said “no” to a lot when my kids were little? Too much TV. Hey, I know I make my living from TV, but in general I didn't like them watching it all the time. From Big Daddy's Rules: Raising Daughters is Tougher Than I Look.

  • Can You Have a Profound Spiritual Encounter with a Dead Loved One?

    My elderly father died in the middle of the night, and I learned the next day from a phone call. But my sister who was suffering from a spread of metastatic breast cancer at the time, received her message differently. From Opening Heaven's Door.

  • A Second Chance at Love… on the Dance Floor

    Modern life doesn't offer us many chances at romance. We may find love, sex, companionship, and compatibility... but romance remains strangely elusive.

  • How I Came Out Transgender to My Best Friend

    One of the first people I invited into my life as an "out" transgender woman was my best friend, Mai. From Redefining Realness: My Path to Womanhood, Identity, Love & So Much More.

  • A Surefire Way for Men to Lose that Gut

    The Life Plan Diet for men begins with a 36-hour which resets your hunger thermostat, increases your hunger thermostat, increases your fat-burning ability, and helps you break weight-loss plateaus.

  • Your Child's Graduation and the Art of Letting Go

    Here are some powerful tips learned from observing hundreds of families who have journeyed through the graduation milestone. And the best part is you can start doing them this summer.

  • Near-Death Experiences, as Seen by Medical Professionals

    Much of near-death research is initiated by cardiologists, anesthesiologists, critical-care nurses, and surgeons who have been confounded and intrigued by what they see in their operating rooms and wards.

  • Is Your Sunscreen Toxic?

    Have you ever wondered what is actually in the product we call sunscreen? Some organizations are concerned about the toxicity of the very substance we think is protecting us from cancer.

  • 8 Ways to Slim Down a Fat Cat

    Dr. Barbara Royal, author of The Royal Treatment, shares her tips-including very valuable advice about cats' carnivorous needs (don't EVER try to make them vegan!) and the shocking truths about commercial pet food. When the food is gone, the food is gone.

  • We Might Be Replacing Trans Fats with Something Much Worse

    Today, vegetable oils such as soybean, corn, safflower, sunflower, or cottonseed oil-or "polyunsaturated fats"-are commonly used to replace trans fats. But when heated to temperatures required for frying food, these highly unstable oils can create oxidation products that are extremely toxic. For more than sixty years, Americans have been told to eat polyunsaturated vegetable oils instead of saturated fats. This advice has been based on the simple reality that vegetable oils lower total cholesterol (and LDL cholesterol, too, as later discovered). The fact that vegetable oils also create toxic oxidation products when heated and trigger inflammatory effects linked to heart disease, are, it seems, less important to mainstream nutrition experts, whose focus hasn't wavered from cholesterol.

  • How to Reject Peer Pressure from Other Parents

    By Melinda Blau Does your child really need the new iPhone? Or yet another extra-curricular activity? It's easy to confuse wants with needs in our more-is-better culture. Make it your practice to consider "Is this really what I want for my family, or am I buying into someone else's ideas of what families must do?" Then use these six great responses from Family Whispering.

  • Adopting a Dog? Find Your Perfect Match

    For example, Jack Russell Terriers are adorable but high-energy and high-maintenance-probably best suited for a strong-willed owner, one without young children but with a backyard where the JRT can burn off some energy. Weimaraners are great for marathoners, since they can be taken on long runs.

  • Could Dancing the Night Away Ward Off Alzheimer's?

    The New England Journal of Medicine recently reported the results of a 21-year study on mental acuity in adults 75 and older. The study was led by the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York and funded by the National Institute on Aging and was designed to monitor the effect that various activities had on rates of dementia, including Alzheimer's disease. A wide variety of activities were measured, from tennis to studying French to playing the saxophone. Doing crossword puzzles at least four days a week: 47%

  • Who Sits Where, When? 5 Tips for a Mistake-Free Wedding Ceremony

    The processional is the part of your wedding ceremony that builds the drama for the bride's big arrival. It starts with the bridal party entering the ceremony space and concludes as soon as the bride, in all her glory, meets her groom at the altar. During the recessional, the bridal party typically exits the ceremony in the reverse order of the processional. During a traditional ceremony, the events leading up to the processional go as follows: Just before the processionalmusic begins, and after all of the guests are seated, the mothers of the bride and groom are escorted to their seats.

  • How to Read Food Labels for Better Health

    When grocery shopping, use these helpful tips to check out what's really in a product (especially junk food) before buying it. The law requires that a food's ingredients be listed on its label. Nutrition Next Once you're satisfied that the ingredients are healthy enough, then look for the following on the package: Calories: Junk food, by its nature, is filled with sugar and/or other empty calories, providing little or no nutritional value.