Moira G Gallaga

    Moira G Gallaga

  • Cowardly Flirting

    Once when I was sitting at a coffee shop all by myself waiting for a friend to show up, I saw this cute girl who was sitting at a table across mine. I saw her glancing at me now and then, and I stared back too. It was really exciting, and I was having a lot of fun. But after about half an hour or so, she turned the other way and didn't look anymore. I was surprised, but didn't know what to do. Ten minutes after she turned the other way, she took her bag and stuff, and got up to walk out. As she walked out, she looked straight at me, and mumbled "Coward"! Was that a shock or what?!

  • 8 Places Germs Hide in Your Home

    8 Places Germs Hide in Your Home

  • Celebrity Skin Secrets Revealed--How to Steal that Hollywood Glow Without Going to a Professional

    Firstly, what you need to know is that a fresh face doesn't just come on its own. A daily skin care routine based on your skin type is a necessity for getting that first step to clean, glowing skin.

  • Dear Single Ladies: An Open Letter(Why It’s Perfectly Fine that You’re Not Married)

    Why it’s perfectly fine that you’re not married

  • Husband Suddenly Wants Divorce-

    My husband of 10 years has never been diagnosed, but has had many drastically changing mood swings over the years. He is set off on being irrationally mean/hateful and this always obviously happens during the fall/winter months usually beginning around December of every year. He can be the sweetest most loving husband and father in his other personality, which is most of the time.

  • Top 8 Reasons to Be Single

    I'd rather argue with myself#1 - you get to sleep alone, undisturbed by the tractor & someone getting up and down to wee#2 - you get to watch what you want to watch, when you want to watch it#3 - you can let silence fall around you like a cloak#4 - you aren't liable for anyone else's debts and you'll never have to pay a lawyer to help you break up with someone#5 - you won't compromise, or be distracted from, your personal goals#6 - you'll know precisely what's in the plastic containers in the fridge, cause you put it there#7 - you won't waste time banging heads with someone who doesn't 'get' ...

  • 8 issues all couples clash over

    It's hardly a surprise that every couple has at least one sore spot that consistently triggers a down-and-dirty battle. But opening the lines of communication -- and a little TLC -- can lead to a compromise you can both live with.

  • First impressions that last

    Women still prefer chivalry while men notice portion sizes in the first meeting, reveals online surveyIf you though chivalry is dead, you may be in for a shocker. In a survey conducted by a leading matrimonial portal, 62% women expect their prospective partners to open doors and hold out chairs. Not

  • Lose the Last 10 Pounds

    Lonnie Lowery, PH.D., RD, leads a double life. At 42, he's not only a competitive bodybuilder but also a professor of exercise and nutrition science at Winona State University in Minnesota. In the classroom and in the weight room, Lowery has learned to use every waking hour to stay leaner than peopl

  • If We Move In Together....

    When we first started dating, and he brought up living together 3 months in I told him I didn't want to live with someone before getting engaged. Which was the truth.Later I started to feel like I wanted our own place..

  • Busted: Top 5 Myths About Men's Health

    Like many other things in life, even the domain of men's health is rife with myths.

  • How Often Did You (Or Will You!) Have Sex On Your Honeymoon?

    You just even mention the word "honeymoon" to some people and you get sidelong glances and knowing smiles. A honeymoon is supposed to be all about the sex--or is it? I have to tell you what happened to my friend (she still talks about it!)...

  • A user asks: Why Do Women Help Men Cheat?

    Okay, I get it. Men Cheat and there seem to be numerous reasons why men cheat. But what I don't get is why women help them with this. What do women get out of a relationship with a man who is married or otherwise spoken for? Are some women satisfied with a part time lover? When in this type of relat

  • A user asks: Is there Lust without Love?

    Hi guys, Is it possible to experience Lust without Love? Does it even exist?

  • 21 Big Lessons From Little Kids

    Hey Parents, listen up: While you're busy trying to teach your kid how to tie shoes, write the alphabet, and stop sneezing on you, your son or daughter is imparting some wisdom to you. Here are 21 things they know that you should never forget, no matter how old you are.1. Breakfast is the most impor

  • A guy told me was going to marry me...

    he and i have been dating seriously for, like, five months. last week my mom said he was bad for me because we are too much alike, and our pasts are bad yet the same. she said i wasn't allowed to talk to him anymore, but i have been secretly ever since. he said on my eighteenth birthday he would tak

  • Five Healthy Foods to Eat at your Workstation

    We've all heard it times and again that sitting all day long at the desk isn't really good for the health. Sadly, there aren't any feasible alternatives to this mode of working. While you can't just leave your job, you can surely do something which is beneficial for your health. Eating the right kin

  • 8 important manners you should teach your little ones

    We all want to raise our little ones to be polite and well behaved, and learning those lessons starts at home. It's never too early to teach your little ones basic manners! Here are eight of the most important manners you should try to teach your little ones before they go to school. They won't reme

  • Top 10 healthy breakfast options

    Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, so it's essential that you make the most of it. But really it's not that difficult to get a good deal of nutrition from your morning meal. We've put down 10 healthy breakfast options to help you prepare a nutritional feast that will keep you going all

  • Should Smokers Pay More for Health Insurance?

    Last week, Dallas County in Texas joined the growing ranks of employers that charge employees who smoke a higher monthly health insurance premium than employees who don't light up. Beginning Jan. 1, smokers employed by the county will pay an additional $50 per month per person for not only the emplo