

  • Will Banning Underweight Models Prevent Eating Disorders?

    Will Israel's ban on super-thin models help to end the epidemic of eating disorders worldwide? Probably not. Eating disorders are complex, biologically-based illnesses with multifaceted causes.

  • Why Do Women Hate Their Bodies?

    Many of us are taught from an early age to loathe and fix and control our bodies, and these early experiences lay the groundwork for the seemingly mild distortions shown in this video, as well as more serious problems, like obesity and eating disorders.

  • 6 Steps to a Healthier Lifestyle

    This week's episode of "Perfectly Imperfect Parents" on The Chopra Well focuses on how parents can teach and model healthy living habits to kids. Dr. Cara Natterson from the show shares her own tips for a healthier, happier lifestyle.

  • How to Teach Our Kids About the Perils of Lying

    This week's episode of "Perfectly Imperfect Parents" on The Chopra Well is all about lying and how parents handle it with their kids. Deepak Chopra makes a guest appearance to discuss the grey areas, but one voice remains adamant that lying is never okay: Dr. Cara Natterson is a pediatrician and author of The Care and Keeping of You. We interviewed her on her firm stance against lying and how parents can model the merits of honesty to their kids.

  • How Becoming a Mom Improved My Body Image

    How timely that "body image," is the topic for "Perfectly Imperfect Parents" this week because a new story of mine, " The White Food Disorder," is part of a book launching next week called THE CASSOULET SAVED OUR MARRIAGE: True Tales of Food, Family, and How We Learn to Eat.

  • Should Parents Allow Their Kids on Social Media?

    Before we began "Perfectly Imperfect Parents", I emailed my mommy friends and posted a question on Facebook, Twitter and Intentblog:

  • Can Birth Be a Spiritual Experience?

    Even knowing how the sperm fertilizes the egg, the fetus grows, and eventually the cervix dilates and the baby is born, does it change the magical quality of birth?

  • The Working Parent: How to Find Balance Between Your Job and Your Family

    In this week's episode of "Perfectly Imperfect Parents" on The Chopra Well, hosts Mallika Chopra, Dr. Cara Natterson and Dani Modisett discuss balance. Many parents, no matter how organized, find themselves constantly stretched, juggling kids, jobs, housework and more. We interviewed Mallika on her personal approach to achieving balance and the things that get in the way.

  • 5 Yoga Poses that Combat Depression

    One of the chapters in my life included a 10-year bout with deep depression. This depression became compounded when I was confronted with loss and grief.

  • We Are What We Eat: Why Protein Matters

    Calories, calories, calories. This is a concept we all know far too well, especially when trying to lose weight.

  • The Most Powerful Aphrodisiac Is…

    "One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well." - Virginia Wolf

  • How Ginger Can Help You Keep Your Fitness Resolutions

    Now that the hype of New Year's resolutions has faded, the real work begins. Avoid injury and burnout by keeping your muscles rested and recovered. Keep your metabolism working at its full potential naturally, and your body healthy and fit well into the new year.

  • The Best Natural Home Remedy for the Flu

    Here in the U.S., we've entered an early and unexpected flu season, with most of the country experiencing high levels of flu-like illness.

  • MUST-SEE: A Review of the Movie “Happy”

    "The Constitution only gives people the right to pursue happiness. You have to catch it yourself." - Benjamin Franklin

  • How to Cultivate Gratitude Through Yoga

    Our yoga practice is a multifaceted gem. It's like a prism that reflects a different color depending on how the light hits it. Our practice can reflect back to us different emotions, feelings, or thoughts depending on how we approach it.

  • Thinking Outside the Lunchbox

    With the long holiday break coming up, it's a great time to rethink what your kids are eating at school.

  • Create Healthy Holiday Habits One Meal at a Time

    Ever wondered why it's so hard to choose the carrots over the cookie when they're both right in front of you? We know the healthier choice, yet we often still make the unhealthy choice.

  • 7 Ideas for Heartfelt Homemade Gifts

    There's a lot of pressure during the holiday season to spend. Sometimes this pressure to spend overshadows the underlying intention to give.

  • Modern Day Yoga Brings it Home

    Do you remember your first yoga class? It usually makes an impression.