

  • Coconut Health Craze: Is Coconut Really All It's Cracked Up to Be?

    Coconut products are flooding the market - first there was coconut water, now coconut milk (in milk cartons in the dairy case next to the soy milk and organic milk), coconut milk yogurt, coconut kefir and coconut milk ice cream. This decadent nut used to be considered a major nutritional no-no but i

  • Why Men Lose Weight Faster (unfair! but true)

    One thing I notice in my private practice is that women in relationships with men constantly complain that their hubby or boyfriend can eat more without gaining weight, or that he can drop pounds faster. It's unfair but definitely true. When it comes to nutrition and weight loss, men and women truly

  • 5 Superfoods to Always Keep on Hand & Fun, New Ways to Eat Them

    People often ask me for a "master" grocery list. But in my eyes that's a toughie because I believe variety is key to ensuring that your body receives a broad spectrum of nutrients. After all, the antioxidants and protective nutrients in asparagus are different from those in tomatoes or onion. That's

  • 5 Ugly Foods With Awesome Health Benefits

    We eat with our eyes as well as our stomachs, so foods that are aesthetically appealing tend to be more satisfying. But for some foods the beauty lies in their uniqueness - both visually and nutritionally speaking. Here are five worth a closer look:

  • How to Get Enough Iron Without Eating Meat

    Recently a client came to me after being diagnosed with anemia. A long time vegetarian she was worried that this meant she'd have to start eating meat again. The truth is you can get enough iron without eating meat - iron deficiency is actually no more common in vegetarians, but it's all about strik

  • 5 Tricks for Upping Your Fiber Intake

    Fiber is magical. It helps slow digestion and absorption to keep you fuller longer and delay the return of hunger, provides a slower, steadier rise in blood sugar and a lower insulin response, and keeps you "regular" by helping your digestive system stay in tip top shape. And if that's not enough it

  • Yikes! Can Your Diet Create Brain Changes That Make You Fat?

    A new study supports what we've long suspected - your diet can impact how your brain functions, which in turn may up your obesity risk. The animal research conducted by scientists at the University of Washington in Seattle looked at the short and long term effects on the brains of rodents fed a typi

  • How to Make Delicious Veggie Side Dishes (in minutes)

    Every nutritionist on the planet recommends eating more veggies, but only about a quarter of Americans down the recommended minimum three daily servings. It's no secret that filling the gap will boost your nutrient intake and slash the risk of nearly every major disease, including obesity. Trouble i

  • Java Warning? What You Need to Know About Acrylamide & Where Else it Lurks

    I went a coffee shop in LA the other day and while I was waiting for my cup of Joe I spotted a fairly large sign about Prop 65, a "right to know" law that requires the State of California to maintain a list of chemicals that cause cancer or reproductive toxicity (such as birth defects or other repro

  • Bite Into This to Torch Calories and Curb Cravings

    A new study from Purdue University brings a whole new meaning to the phrase 'fire in your belly.' According to the researchers dousing your food with a little hot pepper can help you burn more calories and curb your cravings. Over a 6 week period the study tracked 25 adults who consumed either no pe

  • Feeling Stuffed? Here's a 5 Step Strategy to End Post-Holiday Bloat

    If you overdid it a bit over the long weekend, you may be tempted to go to extreme measures to take off the poundage, but you don't have to. This simple five step strategy can help you get back on track and reboot your body by next weekend: 

  • 3 Reasons Your Weight Spikes (Even When You're Going to the Gym & Not Pigging Out)

    Your weight as a number is incredibly fickle - it can rise and fall from day to day, even hour to hour, and shifts in body fat are rarely the culprit. When you step on the scale you're not just measuring muscle and fat. That number also represents the weight of your bones, organs, bodily fluids, gly

  • Eating Mistakes That Squash Workout Results

    I've been the sports nutritionist for three professional teams and numerous athletes in my private practice, and whether you head to a 9-5 job each day and work out when you can, or you earn a living exercising, the right nutrition plan is the real key to results. Here are five mistakes that may int

  • Control Hunger All Day Long With This Breakfast Trick

    If you start your day with a bagel, bowl or cereal, or nothing at all you may be setting yourself up for overeating, especially at night. I've seen it dozens of times among my clients, and a new study published in the journal Obesity confirms it - eating breakfast, especially one with a healthy dose

  • Why Your Restaurant Meal May Pack 960 Hidden Calories

    Americans dine out about five times a week, and when we do we eat more. That may come as no surprise, but even if you're trying to eat healthfully you may unknowingly be downing hundreds of hidden calories. Here are four reasons why:

  • Phyto-what? 6 Technical Nutrition Terms Defined

    If you regularly tune into nutrition news you probably hear and see words like antioxidant and glycemic index often, but do you really know what they mean? Here's a crash course in some of today's top nutrition terms:

  • 5 Libido Boosting Foods (& 4 Sexy Facts)

    The phrase you are what you eat is absolutely true. So if you want to feel well, frisky, fold these five foods into your eating repertoire. Nothing exotic necessary!

  • Beer's Surprising Health Benefits

    According to a recent American Heart Association survey, over 75 percent of the respondents believed that wine is heart healthy, but what about beer? Believe it or not the sudsy stuff is beginning to gain a reputation among health professionals as a beneficial beverage. Here are four guilt-free reas

  • Beyond BMI: The Risks of Being 'Skinny Fat'

    In a recent survey only 45% of Americans strongly agree that body weight is an indicator of a healthy diet, and you know what? They're right. In fact, body weight isn't a good indicator of health period. Over the years in my private practice I've worked with many thin, extremely unhealthy clients, a

  • Raw Veggies Healthier Than Cooked? Not Always

    It seems intuitive that a veggie in its raw state would be more nutritious than its cooked counterpart. But the truth is some veggies are actually healthier when things heat up a bit. High temperatures do diminish some of the vitamins and minerals in veggies by 15 to 30 percent, but boiling is the b