

  • 10 Supermom Strengths All Moms Have

    When you instinctively start caring for your young, with all the agility, strength, and bravery required to lead your family down the path of righteousness, you instantly transform into Supermom by virtue of who you are. Let's take a look at 10 Supermom strengths all moms have! Once again, Supermom hearing saves the day … while it continues to rob the entire maternal population of a good night's sleep.

  • 7 Little Ways to Raise Big-Time Confident Kids

    I try to further bolster my children's sense of competence by seeking their advice instead of insta-Googling everything. In one study, 240 children drew a famous Van Gogh painting.

  • 6 Ways to Take the Stress Out of Playdates

    You also need to be respectful of special requests made by other parents, especially when it comes to food allergies and dietary restrictions. If they are playing at your house, suggest a snack break, or change the activity or game they are playing.

  • 10 Things You Should Know Before Going to the Dentist

    One of the challenges in her industry is to get people to not dread their dental appointments, so that they will prefer to ask questions in the office rather than on the street. Growing up, my uncle was a dentist, so those regular dental appointments never made me nervous or tentative. Fortunately for parents and kids, there are ways to make the dentist appointment less stressful for everyone. Call ahead to ask if you can interview or speak with the dentist about any reservations you may have regarding your dentist appointment.

  • The 8 Kinds of Playground Parents (Which One Are You?!)

    That said, having been a playground parent for the better part of the last six years now, I've taken to watching the other parents who end up there just like me.

  • 7 Conscious Coupling Candidates for Gwyneth Paltrow

    I think we'll all remember where we were and what we were doing when we heard the news: Gwyneth Paltrow was 'Consciously Uncoupling' with Chris Martin, her husband of ten years and father to Apple and Moses. Apparently their relationship had turned to Goop, and for the high priestess of lifestyle enlightenment, the only option was a Conscious Uncoupling. You might think it's just a divorce, but Conscious Uncoupling is to your ordinary divorce as 1,200 thread count Egyptian cotton sheets are to those cloth K-Mart tarps you drape over your mattress at night.

  • Memo to Connecticut Lawmakers: Whole-Milk Products Are Not Making Our Kids Fat

    They do eat some sweets, but I also ensure they get fruits, vegetables, and protein regularly, and that they also take calcium supplements (my 5-year-old bizarrely and falsely claims to be allergic to dairy) and digestive probiotics (fewer colds this winter!). Lawmakers in Connecticut want to do their part to ensure that kids in the Nutmeg State grow up to be strong and fit, according to Fox News. That's why they're considering legislation that would ban 2-percent and whole milk products from day care centers because they say it would help combat childhood obesity. Clearly Connecticut Democratic Representatives David Zoni and Roberta Willis and State Senator Catherine Osten, the bill's sponsors, are aware that in 2008, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommended that past the age of 2, kids should switch to low-fat milk products because, at that point, they no longer require the fat from whole milk for their brain development.

  • Will a Bill Restricting Airbrushing in Ads Really Change How We See Ourselves?

    There are plenty of times in my life when I look at other women and feel bad about myself. Take any photo of Gisele Bündchen, for instance. He's the founder of Feel More Better, a female-empowerment website that was inspired by a law passed in the UK in 2011, which aimed to stop altering images that are "'not representative of the results the products could achieve' and gave women unrealistic and false expectations of what women should look like."

  • Site Calculates TV Watching in Days: Do You REALLY Want to Know?

    If you're interested - and trust me, you might not want to know - this site will calculate how many days you've spent watching your favorite TV shows.

  • 5 Things Single Men Are Looking for when Dating

    Most men ask: What do women want? Contrary to popular belief, we aren't all that complicated. You heard me right;

  • The Average Guest Spends $592 Per Wedding, Says New Survey

    Multiply that number by the amount of "yes" boxes you checked on the invites - and that's what it's going to cost you this wedding season. A survey was just released by American Express which compiled results of 1,500 Americans, revealing that the cost of attending weddings is up 10 percent from last year. These costs include everything from the pre-wedding parties to transportation and clothing, but does not include the cost of the wedding gift in that average price-tag. I was shocked to read that total of $592 per wedding didn't include a wedding gift because I was certain that took up at least one-fifth of the cost, but nope.

  • Which of These Reality TV Shows ISN’T Real?

    MTV's The Real World changed my life because up until that point, I had only daydreamed about some day moving to New York. Twenty-two years later, reality TV continues to be a guilty pleasure for many of us. While MTV's The Real World is currently casting for its 30th season, the show has evolved into something I no longer recognize as the voyeuristic documentary from the '90s. Most reality TV has morphed into must-see bizarre or train-wreck TV.

  • 4 Things Moms Should Never Wear (and Easy Alternatives)

    A lot of things happen once you've become a mother. Some changes are great, like the amount of love you feel for your little one, and some things are not as great, like your fashion choices. You can blame it on lack of sleep, the rearranging of priorities, or your changing body, but it's hard to feel good about yourself if you're not taking care of yourself. This doesn't mean you have to keep up on every trend on the pages of your favorite fashion magazines, but you do have to put in a little effort. We've put together the most common mom faux pas - 4 things moms should never wear - and a few easy alternatives to make your life comfortable, but still stylish. Take a good hard look in your closet and what you're been reaching for. Clean out the old pieces, and look for a few new pieces that can be your go-to items. Click through the slides below to identify any areas you might be slipping into bad mommy style, and remember, this list wasn't created to make you feel bad about what you're wearing, but to help you find things that can work even better. -By Brooke White and Summer Bellessa MORE ON BABBLE 7 things to take out of your closet ... now 25 common fashion mistakes and how to avoid them 13 fashion trends we wish would disappear

  • Bald is Beautiful! Famous Cartoon Characters Shave Their Heads for Kids with Cancer

    Iconic and famous cartoon characters such as Snoopy, Olive Oyl, and the Equestria Girls have shaved their heads in support of children who have lost their hair due to their battle with cancer. Beyond the physical toll that cancer treatment can take, the side effect of baldness can have a huge emotional toll on a child.

  • Why Michelle Duggar is a Great Homeschooling Advocate

    For years now, I've been torn about what to do with my children's education. At the ages of 6 and 3, I know that I have plenty of time before they begin taking statewide exams, filling out college application forms, and picking out University majors, but I'm still pretty split when it comes to the public vs. private school debate. Like many families across the nation, we struggle with the cost of sending our kids to a private school, but at the same time feel underwhelmed with the quality of our public school systems, with their educational practices getting more confusing and less attractive each year. Lately, I've really been thinking about homeschooling my children in order to find that happy medium in their education, but of course that doesn't come without its own criticism. My own mother thinks it's a rather odd idea ("But how are they going to find friends?") while others tend to give me that glaring look while asking, "But can you handle having your kids at home all day with you?" It's not about ripping my hair out while being indoors with my kids all day, but rather about having the freedom to choose a quality of education for my children while saving big bucks.

  • Even Dietitians Succumb to the Hidden Dangers of Sugar

    According to the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI), the average American consumes an average of 23 teaspoons of added sugar per day. I can think of plenty of ways I'd rather fill my calorie quota than with an extra 385 calories per day from added sugar alone. I snub my nose at prepared oatmeal or certain brands of granola bars because they have inexcusable amounts of added sugar, but then I go and eat an entire sleeve of refrigerated sugar cookie dough.

  • John Legend Found His Baby Doppelganger — and He's Adorable!

    I mean, I don't know about you, but up in my head, the very idea of wandering down the aisle of Walmart and steering my cart around the corner only to see another staring back at me from out in front of the big display of Duck Dynasty Fruit Snacks really freaks me out. And, even crazier than that, they're cute! Well, musician John Legend's doppelganger is anyway. So OK, maybe not everyone on Earth has a doppelganger, but you'll never ever convince John Legend and Baby Caden of that.

  • Cameron Diaz: “It’s Not like I’m the Spinster Who Didn’t Have a Child”

    When asked about the possibility of motherhood, Cameron says that she never planned on not having children, and she's still open to the idea of becoming a mother in the future (she's only 41, after all). Yes, I am in my mid-30s, married and with two kids, but what if I didn't start dating my husband years ago like I did?

  • Couples in Love Are Ruining the City of Love

    So yes, while it can't be denied that Paris is, in fact, a city for lovers, it apparently is also getting a new reputation. Lovers, enamored with the romance that will most certainly sweep them off their feet for all of time, scratch their initials (or purchase a rather expensive inscribed version) onto a lock, fasten it on a "love bridge" along the Seine River, and forever throw away the key into the shining waters of Paris - love evermore, with no option to go back, well, because the key is gone. They're dubbed "love locks," and they are filling up the bridges of Paris as eternal symbols of love. A Paris travel website details that there are two main bridges in the city dedicated to keeping the flame going for the lovers that cross - the Pont des Arts, set aside for "committed love," while the Pont de l'Archevêché is for a lover.

  • Why Don’t Kids with Cancer Get the Drugs They Need?

    A little over a week ago, 8-year-old Josh Hardy was discharged from the hospital after a deadly battle with adenovirus. A four-time cancer survivor, Josh still has a hard road ahead of him, but after a massive social media campaign helped him get last-minute access to an experimental drug, the turnaround in his health was nothing short of amazing. That lifesaving drug, by the way, was an antiviral medication, not a cancer drug. Here's a hard truth: If the Hardy family had needed a new pediatric cancer drug, they probably wouldn't have found one. In the last 25 years, just two drugs have been approved specifically to treat pediatric cancer in the United States, Vickie Buenger, president of the Coalition Against Childhood Cancer, told me.