

  • Can Curiosity Also Kill Diets?

    Ever thought about how much unnecessary food there is in the world? If not, start now. If the average person ate in moderation which would consist of the basic 3 meals, plus a couple of snacks in between, would there really be a need for some of the thousands of new snacks that are marketed daily?

  • Green Water Bottles Are a Nuissance

    The green leafy label on my water bottle indicates that my bottled water has now gone green. Don't get me wrong, I am just as eco-friendly as the next person, but the 50% less packaging has turned my water bottle into a squeezy.

  • Picture This: Smoking Can Kill You

    The Food and Drug Administration wants the public to get the picture of the harmful effects of cigarette smoking - literally. Beginning September 2012, the familiar caption on the spine of cigarette packs will now be positioned to the front and back covers complete with full-color graphics. As the above photo illustrates, a typical pack of smokes will be wrapped with a billboard ad proof of a nine-part anti-smoking campaign series.The current text of the SG's warning has as much as 14 words in one message. ...

  • Why Are We So Interested in the Rapture, But Not So Much In Religion?

    Just one of the many double standards in our society. Send me your thoughts.

  • Can Chuck E Have Kids Cheesing All the Way to the Casino?

    I just read an article that a mother is suing Chuck E. Cheese for $5 million because she believes that the company replaced many of their arcades with casino-inspired games that could potentially lead children to have gambling addictions later in life.

  • Separate but Peaceful

    Ideally, after a decade of marriage this would be a few tips on how to stay together, but realistically, these are a few tips on how to successfully live apart from your estranged spouse while your marriage is in limbo.

  • PP?

    Now that Easter has passed, this holiday was a reminder to not let my parental duties cloud my paternal instincts. I told myself I wouldn't do it. I refused to take any part of it - the marketing hype of the holiday. But no one told me that the peer pressure of the teens grows into parental pressure