Diva Toolbox

    Diva Toolbox

  • How to Create a Speaker's One Sheet

    If you are a speaker or want to position yourself as a speaker, one simple yet highly effective tool to have at the ready is a speaker's one-sheet. A one-sheet is a snapshot of your expertise and why an organization should book you as their speaker. It's called a one-sheet because it fits on one piece of paper, usually front and back. ...

  • Why Chromosome, Why?

    Gals, do you have days when you need a universal translator to communicate with your man? They don't teach Man 101 in school, so please allow me to pass along four essential man-tips and other instructions in the gentle care and feeding of your Y chromosomes that can quickly make your life better… a lot better - and yes, I'm talking about your sex life! Last week I hosted the fabulous Mimi Donaldson on my radio show Bring Back Desire After Dark, and Mimi explained what we need to know and do… to get our men to make us very, very happy. ...

  • Who's Laughing Now?

    Laugh at Yourself: Parents often ask me what a good coping strategy is to help them and their children get through challenging moments. As simple as it may seem, the use of humor and the ability to laugh at ourselves rank high. Laughing at ourselves is very different from poking fun at someone else's expense. It takes the edge off of living and puts everything in true perspective. Release Perfection: Humor and not taking ourselves so seriously are certainly ways to handle that driving need for perfectionism that can rattle you and your children time and again. ...

  • Feng Shui Benefits for Pets

    Pets benefit from Feng Shui while increasing your positive chi! Since the times of ancient China, it's been long accepted that having pets increases positive chi and is channels through Feng Shui principals. However, many have wondered how to increase the flow of positive chi to their pets. A pet's inherent nature is to want to be with us; it's a natural synergy between people, pets, chi, and traditional Feng Shui principals that harmonize in our coexistence. Avoiding clutter is key. Pets adore, welcome, and appreciate a clean open space. ...

  • Why You Just Can't Help but Love that Dog!

    Maybe it's the velvety wet nose gently brushing up against your hand in the morning. Maybe it's that whip-like little tail racing back and forth at what seems like the speed of light the moment your car pulls into the driveway. Maybe it's the long, loping walks to nowhere in particular. Maybe it's that fact that none of your human friends seem to be quite as good at listening … or understanding. ...

  • 17 Quick Tips for Successfully Mixing Meals with Business!

    Today, more than ever, deals are sealed at the dining table. If we are not comfortable doing business over a meal, we may be losing business. Strength and making tough decisions ARE compatible with good manners. Many executives and managers are well-educated, but not in social skills. We might not be remembered for good manners but we will be for bad, so strive for etiquette that stands above the rest. At business meals, it's about BUSINESS. Remember WHY you are there. If you are hungry, have a protein bar or something light before the meal so you can concentrate on the business at hand. ...

  • Leadership Lessons on & Off the Court

    I've been a sports fan since I was a kid, and living in Boston now has made it fun and easy for me to continue following teams I love. I grew up in a town that had lost its NBA franchise and did not have a major league baseball team so I have adopted the Celtics and Red Sox as my own. As a child I watched Celtics and Lakers games religiously and loved Magic Johnson and Larry Bird. They were both such great leaders, so talented and incredibly passionate players to watch on the court. ...

  • How to Live Your Stand Out Brand

    Branding. It's one of those words that gives many business owners pause. It conjures questions like: What is our brand, exactly? How can we effectively showcase our brand? What can we do to strengthen our brand? Here are a few things to think about as you take a closer look at your brand and how to incorporate it into your life and business so you can feel it in your bones. Because as the leader of your company, if you can't feel it and live it yourself, you don't stand a chance of anyone else "getting it" either. Look the Part Logo? Check. Business cards? Web site? Check. Brochure? Check. ...

  • Your Greatest Asset of All: The Power of Thought

    What is your greatest asset? Do you know that you possess an asset that truly has magical power in it? This power is truly the "miracle formula" in life and it is contained in our consciousness. Your greatest asset is your mind and this magical power I speak of is your power to consciously choose what you are thinking. Quite often we find ourselves with a never-ending stream of thoughts going through our mind. These trains of thought gain more control as we endlessly repeat them over and over again. These thoughts become the reality we experience. ...

  • What to Do when Your Fashion Sense Goes on Vacation

    On a recent trip to Rockport, Massachusetts - a gorgeous seaside town - I spent a lot of time milling around and enjoying the gorgeous view and relaxing ambiance. Since it was a beautiful day the main street (or neck, as they call it) was packed with people on vacation. At one point, I had a very distinct realization - everyone looked the same. While all the teenagers were dressed in short shorts, everyone else's style was kind of an LLBean meets REI look. It made me feel sad. When did women start settling for a largely colorless, shapeless look? I know. I know. ...

  • When Your Thought Energy Stops You

    Yesterday, I was speaking with a few clients about money issues. They were each talking about what they didn't have and what was going wrong. Each of them was entrenched in the problem rather than the solution. Money is the energetic equivalent of flow. When you go into the place of thinking you don't have it and it's too hard to get it, you are building a dam. If you are positive thinker on one hand and a worrier on the other you are canceling out the positive. It takes 40 times more energy to use negative forces than it does to use positive forces. ...

  • Symptom: A Warning Light Stays On

    When you turn on your cell phone what is the first thing you look for? Notifications, right? You immediately look for a message telling you about any missed phone calls/texts, who tweeted to you, and that post someone left on your Facebook wall- basically, you look for a memo to alert you of any changes that may have occurred between the last time you looked at your phone and now. A car's warning lamplights are just like a cell phone's notifications. They instantly let you know if problems have arisen in the system since the last time you drove and if that changes along the way. ...

  • I'm Supposed to Feed Him What? the BARF Diet Explained

    Barf. It isn't generally the sort of term one associates with tasty or nutritious cuisine -- for either canine or human. But this isn't barf, this is BARF, and it may be the answer to many pet owners' concerns about the health and longevity of their dogs. BARF stands for Biologically Appropriate Raw Food and advocates of this diet claim it can address a wide range of common canine afflictions, from dry skin and allergies to stomach sensitivities and tooth decay.

  • When Death is Near

    The Wheel Keeps turning and you can't slow it down, You can't let go and you can't hold on You can't go back and you can't stand still If the thunder don't get you then the lightning will Death is getting closer every day, and I have gone into Numb Mode. I don't know why this is, but during times of extreme stress, I become robotic. My mind goes into overdrive, tracking details and putting them in order, like sticky notes on a wall. How do I continue doing what I need to do, while doing what I know I will have to do? Who do I have to call, and when. ...

  • Go for the Gusto! Grab Your Own Brass Ring!

    Several years ago, I read the story of how the term "reaching for the brass ring" originated. This phrase has always symbolized striving for, and achieving, one's goals. The carousels of long ago were huge circular wooden platforms with hand-carved, brightly painted panels and beautiful wooden ponies that bobbed up and down on thick, shiny brass poles to the sound of calliope music. Children were so excited for the opportunity to reach out and grab a fist-sized metal ring from a dispenser suspended just outside and above the carousel. Most of the time, they would get a black ring. ...

  • Car Rentals Renting Cars with Recalls Not Repaired

    Recalls are rampant. As a shop owner, I get daily email updates about recalls and they are starting to fill up my inbox. For many of us, purchasing a car is one of the most expensive decisions we will make in our entire lives-shouldn't it be worth it? At least we know that under federal law, auto dealers cannot sell vehicles that have been recalled, but did you know that this restriction does not extend to rental cars? Whenever you rent a car, you could be driving around in one that has been recalled. ...

  • My Life is Potatoes

    How does your garden grow?" The refrain from the old nursery rhyme strikes a chord in my head. In more than half a century on Earth, I have finally learned to keep my priorities straight. Sometimes. I don't want to break my arm patting myself on the back here. But I do recognize when I need to put family and home ahead of other things. This weekend, I had a number of things to do that had nothing to do with writing or working. If you have ever worked from home, you know how hard it is to separate the two. Even when you are not working, you are working. ...

  • Stop Looking for Your Type

    You think you know your type. In fact, you are sure of it. You have actually dated them, perhaps even married them - more than once on both counts. So, let me ask you, if you know your type so well, why are you still looking for Mr. Right? Get over your type and open your mind, your feelings, and your experiences to seeing who may be right for you. If knowing your type were working so well, you would not be looking. With that harsh realty acknowledged and accepted, are you ready to move on? Of course, there is the other side of the coin. He's NOT my type. ...

  • Divorce as a Divide | Mediators Vs. Lawyers

    We all know divorce can be extremely time-consuming, very expensive, and mentally and physically exhausting. But divorce can also be an amazing source of motivation, an initiator for growth and a transition to a place of greater awareness. And sometimes this transition has to be expedited with the aid of mediators or lawyers. Transitioning with the help of a mediator is a less expensive alternative that can save time, money and exhaustive stress. ...

  • Fashion Tip: T-Shirts: Friend or Foe

    It's summer and T-shirts reign. Everywhere you look there is a sea of crewneck, shapeless, dreary-colored T-shirts. How did they get to be a staple in so many people's wardrobes? I keep hoping I'll wake up and realize it was all a bad dream but no such luck! So, what is the origin of the T-shirt? I found this at (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/T-shirt): "The T-shirt evolved from undergarments used in the 19th century, through cutting the one-piece "union suit" underwear into separate top and bottom garments, with the top long enough to tuck under the waistband of the bottoms. ...