Cameron A.

    Cameron A.

  • What is Lusting Exactly?

    Most Christian men are no strangers to lust. We live it, see it, and read about it. The Bible has a lot to say about lust. We see the word written in twelves books of the Bible, and each reference shows no mercy to the dangers of the action. One of the most feared scriptures on lust is Matthew 5:28, "But I say to you that whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart. ...

  • Opinion: Is Interracial Dating Worth the Fight?

    Today, we see interracial couples blooming. Since the integration of whites and blacks in 1962, there has been a progression in interracial dating. But, till this day there is still some racism when it comes to interracial dating. I have a black cousin wh

  • This Spiritual Battle..

    This spiritual war becomes discouraging sometimes. I have opened eyes, but I feel blind because I can't see my enemies. I can't physically feel my armor. The end of this war is unknown, and it feels far from now. My enemies never tire. They don't show mercy. They want to steal from me, destroy me, and ultimately kill me when I've done nothing against them. No, I take that back. I decided to follow Jesus is why they are my enemies. Though I've done nothing personal to them. I didn't cast them into the bottomless pit. That happened many millennia years ago, and they're still bitter about it. ...

  • I Won't Date a Fat Girl: For Logical Reasons

    If you ask me would I date a fat girl, I would say no. First, I would like to define the word "fat" because that question is too vague for me to simply say no, and not sound like a jerk. A fashion designer may say anyone who is thicker than a toothpick is fat. While others may say a person weighting over 200 pounds is fat. My definition of a fat girl is a person who is overweight. What is overweight? Simply, if the doctor tells you your body fat is unhealthy then you're overweight. Now, to not make myself sound the typical skinny jerk, let me explain myself of why I won't date a fat girl. ...

  • Is it okay for your boyfriend to lust after other women?

    Many women are okay with their boyfriend looking at other woman because they figure that he's being a guy. Some girls don't like their boyfriend to look at other girls, but they don't speak on it because they feel it'll make the situation worst, resulting in her boyfriend feeling like she's jealous

  • What question every woman hates on the first date?

    Any sexual question. I asked females in my phone book, on Facebook, and Twitter, what questions do they hate to be asked on the first date and the first answer they all said was they hate sexual questions on the first date. So guys, don't ask these sexual questions on the first date unless you want

  • Salt and Light

    As salt of the Earth, its our duty to hold to our beliefs and improve those around us rather than being tainted by them. We're to complement them, that is, make them "taste" better.

  • Divorce rates are too high

    In the 21st Century, the rate of divorce is skyrocketing. What information our we feeding our society that is making them fail? What information are we not discussing with our society that will help them?

  • Thought on Interracial Relationships

    When dating someone outside your race, ask yourself are you dating them for their character or their color; which means don't make assumptions. Don't date a white man assuming you are financially secure. Don't date a black man assuming the sex life will be awesome.

  • Beautiful Girls

    When the world describes a beautiful girl they think of the half naked girls you see in music videos, on the cover of magazines, and skinny girls who make themselves throw up to stay skinny. Is that what you call true beauty? According to the world of course it is but that is not how the Bible descr

  • A user asks: How long does it take to "get over your ex?"

    Well, it didn't take my ex-girlfriend long at all. We were dating for about a year and a half, I started feeling like I didn't love her as much as she wanted me to, I only cared for her like a friend. Occasionally we would conversant about what we would do if we broke up (if that's normal) and as I

  • User Post: Thoughts on cheating

    This is a hard topic to discuss because everyone has different feelings resulting in different reactions to cheating. Some cheating situations may be more severe than others, therefore I cannot speak for every cheating victim. But one thing that we cheating victims can all share is that what ever ou

  • User Post: Is it okay for women to pay on dates?

    Absolutely, if you have been in a "relationship" with this girl for at least three months plus. I highlighted relationship because if y'all are currently dating then its forbidden for her to pay the bill unless your strategy is to never see her again. Here is an example of what happens when a guy ex