Madeliene Rose

  • Ballerina street style: Channel your inner dancer with fashion

    You may be part of the clumsy girls club, I am, but fashion has given us the chance to channel our inner ballerina, despite our lack of grace. Ballerinas are the eternal lithe figures walking this earth with grace. With their hair pulled back off their face and donning understated, figure hugging clothing, these women do not hide behind their fashion or their hair, and that makes them all the more enigmatic.

  • Show your body love through romantic style choices

    Fashion is many things. It can be extravagant and unattainable. It is a form of self-expression and for some, the best part of being a grown up. For me, fashion has always been a way to remind myself of unforgettable stories. Every time I wear a green dress I think of Virginia Woolf’s Mrs. Dalloway and black will always remind me of Thomas Mann’s enigmatic old lady in The Magic Mountain.