
  • 消費券攻略:Lenovo 筆電 HK$1999 起 用消費券額外再減 HK$200

    消費券已經到手,想用得精明就要留意一年一度的「Lenovo eShop網上電腦節」,用超抵價買到電腦及配件之餘,購物滿指定金額可獲高達 HK$600 現金券,用消費券付款再有額外 HK$200 優惠。

  • Lenovo 網購 1 折快閃 精選電腦 HK$1,998 起再送超市優惠碼

    Lenovo 現正進行的「eShop 網購激賞獎上獎」,除了指定貨品有 1 折快閃,多款熱門產品更低至 5 折,兼送超市 HK$40 優惠碼,購物滿指定金額仲送高達 HK$600 現金禮券。介紹優惠詳情之前,先分享一下必搶心水推介,無論你想為工作、學習或娛樂設備升級,都有值得入手的選擇!

  • LenovoPRO: technology solutions that can grow with your business

    Businesses have been slowly preparing for remote working over recent years, but the COVID-19 pandemic has pressed the accelerator down hard. Businesses need to transform the way they plan, purchase and deploy their technology to ensure employees can work remotely without sacrificing productivity and security. LenovoPRO, the SMB Online Business IT Store, is a one-stop shop that offers customers discounts on purchases, specifically aimed at small businesses that don’t have huge technology budgets with flexible payment options to suit the way you do business.

  • 電競迷注意!一睹港澳台冠軍誕生、掌握馳騁戰場秘技

    一眾電競迷注意!Lenovo 去年舉辦的國際電競賽事大獲玩家熱烈好評,今年就首度聯同 Yahoo 舉辦《英雄聯盟》電競挑戰賽第二屆「港澳台 LEGION 菁英賽」。到目前為止,128 隊電競隊伍已淘汰至 8 隊,而總冠軍爭奪戰將於 9 月 22 日進行,想一睹電競選手的神技及港澳台總冠軍誕生,就要親身到尖沙咀海港城觀戰,或者上 Yahoo TV 睇直播喇!到時總冠軍隊伍更會即場跟台灣星級職業電競隊伍閃電狼 Flash Wolves