Katie Calautti

    Katie Calautti


  • The Virginity Bomb: How Common Are Women Like Shoshanna On 'Girls'?

    Which is why you might have been shocked when Shoshanna (Zosia Mamet) dropped the Virginity Bomb at the end of episode two. Encountering a 20-something of that persuasion in New York City is akin to seeing a unicorn prance up Fifth Avenue (with President Obama on its back, shooting rainbows from his hands). After Shoshanna's wrenching encounter with fellow Camp Ramah alum Matt in episode four (come on, dude -- she's, like, the "least virgin-y virgin ever"), HuffPost TV got to thinking: Is Shoshanna giving a voice to late-in-life virgins -– a portion of the population that, for the most part, hasn’t been depicted?

  • The Search For The Missing Woman Behind 'Mirror Mirror' Song

    The song appears in the closing credits of "Mirror Mirror," the first of this year's two big-screen adaptations of the Snow White fairy tale. Its director, Tarsem Singh, first heard the song in the early 1970s, when he was a boy growing up in India's Punjab province. "As kids, we used to dance to it," Singh told The Huffington Post.

  • Watching 'Jeff, Who Lives At Home' With Barry, Who Lives At Home

    Following a screening of the movie -- which centers upon the perceptions surrounding a dramatized version of Barry's particular situation as seen through the eyes of Jeff (Jason Segel), his mother (Susan Sarandon) and brother (Ed Helms) -- we had the most candid discussion of our nine-year friendship.

  • Does Winning An Oscar Require Good Behavior? Discussing Star Etiquette With P.R. Professional

    Should an Oscar nominee's behavior on the awards circuit affect her chances of taking home a statuette? After the Academy Awards luncheon earlier this month, Scott Feinberg of The Hollywood Reporter tweeted, "I'm personally a little sick of Rooney Mara acting like it's a horrible chore to have to do an interview, or show up at a tribute, or...attend an Oscar nominees luncheon. Moviefone spoke to a public relations professional who's presently coaching a client through awards season about whether it's possible to win an Oscar by being nice - or lose one by being a jerk.

  • Did 'The Help' Cause A 'Social Awakening'? Discussing The Best Picture Nominee With A Jackson, Mississippi Native

    Oscar "for your consideration" campaigns are nothing new, but Disney's take on marketing its Oscar-nominated film, "The Help," might make you pause. With offers to cover town hall-style meetings about the film's power to create social change, language describing the film as a "social awakening," and comparisons to classic films, it's hard not to wonder about the authenticity of those claims. Which is why Moviefone called Gwen Harmon, Director of Governmental and Community Relations at the National Civil Rights Museum in Memphis.

  • What Routine Should Uggie Do With Billy Crystal At The Oscars?

    The treat of the evening's mysterious man-and-canine choreography has been dangled in front of our faces long enough -- which is why Moviefone asked three professional dog trainers what routine they'd orchestrate for Uggie and Billy on Oscar night. "I think it would be fun for Uggie to show off his artistic skills, given that he's in 'The Artist.' There is a fun trick called Paintbrush Painting that he could do at the beginning. Uggie takes a brush from a paint can and touches it to an easel to create art.