Joey Alarilla

    Yahoo! SEA Head of Social and Community. Catalyst and evangelist.

  • Wanna be a game developer? Learn from the Pinoy team that designed ‘Scram’ for iOS

    You have no idea how you ended up in this dark corridor, or who or where you are. All you know is that someone—or something—is right behind you, filling you with terror as you run and try to make it to the exit you see in the distance. After dodging obstacles and just as the exit is within reach, you trip, fall and scream... <a href="">Continue reading <span class="meta-nav">→</span></a>

  • Blogging tips from the award-winning Geek Girl

    Time was, few people had heard of blogging, let alone maintained their own blogs. Now that blogging has become a familiar online activity, with users ranging from hobbyists to professional bloggers to journalists to companies, how can Pinoy bloggers stand out from the crowd? <a href="">Continue reading <span class="meta-nav">→</span></a>

  • Teaching the youth to use social media responsibly

    I've never believed the common complaint that "the youth is apathetic." As we've seen during natural disasters like typhoon Ondoy and the more recent Sendong, and in the first automated Philippine elections in 2010, young Filipinos are more than willing to volunteer for causes, talk about their passions and share their views on issues. <a href="">Continue reading <span class="meta-nav">→</span></a>

  • How many gigabytes of personal data do you own?

    Swiping the screen of his iPad 2, which is plugged to a large HD monitor, Philip Cheung casually showed off some photos and videos as he sat in a comfortable armchair you might find in a typical coffee shop. But Cheung, the regional product marketing manager of Western Digital APAC, was not in a café. He was in one of the creative demo areas at the company's Connected Life Media event at the Makati Shangri-La. <a href="">Continue reading <span class="meta-nav">→</span></a>