Jasmine Jones

  • A timeline of women's rights and gender equality in the UK over the last 100 years

    Huge advancements have been made in the battle for gender equality over the past 100 years, and the good fight rages on. On International Women’s Day, let’s take a moment to celebrate some of the hard-won achievements of the UK’s feminist movement in the last century. 1918  Women over 30 are given the right to vote in Britain.

  • Six unexpected health benefits of tequila

    Thought tequila just gave you a banging headache and a strong urge to dance? Think again. The clear alcohol has multiple benefits.

  • 21 extinct snacks that'll give you childhood flashbacks

    Reminisce about the good old days.

  • Let's smash the stigma around loneliness; it's more common than you think

    Loneliness is far more common than you might think, so let's smash the stigma once and for all.

  • 6 signs you're not getting enough protein

    Protein is composed of small compounds called amino acids which are the building blocks of muscle mass. The other nine essential amino acids – so called because your body can’t synthesise them – you must get from food. Animal sources of protein (milk, yogurt, cheese, meat, poultry, fish, seafood and eggs) are considered “complete proteins”, meaning they contain all essential amino acids.

  • How late night eating affects your body

    Studies and speculations linking late night eating to weight gain have been circulating for years, but is it really the one way ticket to obesity it’s made out be? Well, yes and no. There are a number of contributing factors that could cause weight gain. Reaching for sugary drinks and unhealthy snacks between meals causes insulin levels to spike and has a knock-on effect on appetite.

  • It's time to adjust our attitudes to what it means to be 'mixed-race'

    The world is increasingly obsessed with labels. The insidious need to categorise our fellow humans via a prescribed set of social constructs lurks beneath the surface of all small talk.

  • Why too much positivity is bad for your health

    Positive thinking can be beneficial to our mental health, but, believing you can be happy all the time or beating yourself up because you’re not, is ultimately a waste of time. The insidious positive thinking industry pelts us daily with self-help advice, motivational memes and vapid wall plaques.

  • Behold: Incredible, edible chocolate geodes

    The pair were inspired by chocolate geodes created by their professor Peter Greweling, and decided to have a stab at making their own. Before they were cracked open, the chocolate outer surface was airbrushed to make the geodes look more realistic. All the while the pair had no idea what the results would look like on the inside. “Working on these rock candy geodes for six months and finally opening them is a dream come true.” Said Yeatts.

  • Childhood version 1.0: what kids did for fun before the internet

    Before smartphones and the internet with it’s pacifying supply of games and funny videos, kids had to make their own entertainment. And guess what? Sometimes they experienced boredom too but that boredom gave way to inventive games and unsupervised adventures.Children will always find a way to play no matter the circumstances; their innate ability to suspend disbelief means it doesn’t take much to get swept up in imaginary worlds of epic proportions. So what were the children of yesteryear doing before Minecraft, Youtube and Snapchat? Let’s take a look.

  • Real women on how they don't get pregnant

    Aside from condoms and hormonal contraception, we were curious to find out what methods real life regular ladies were using to avoid unwanted pregnancy. “I feel like a lot of sex is geared towards getting the girl wet enough to facilitate penetrative sex. Everyone should be going for regular sexual health checkups if they’re not in an LTR.

  • 151 years of progress: A timeline of women's rights and gender equality in the UK

    Huge advancements have been made in the battle for gender equality over the past 150 years and the good fight rages on. Let’s take a moment to celebrate the hard-won achievements of the UK’s feminist movement. 1866  1500 signatures are collected for a petition for women’s votes which is presented to the House of Commons by John Stuart Mill. 1867  The London Society for Women’s Suffrage is formed.

  • 'I'm not a feminist, but...': Modern feminism from a teenager's perspective

    Is feminism relevant to young people in 2017? Throughout history women have toiled for gender equality. Today we enjoy the spoils of great women who came before us. In schools, girls are outperforming boys and are more likely to get five decent GCSE’s. A third of young women go on to study at university, compared with just a quarter of men. Young people would be excused for believing the fight for equality is over. Our teens, all digital natives, have lived their entire lives surrounded by information. The internet is enhancing the movement for gender equality. ...

  • Do we even need International Women's Day?

    Joking aside, we absolutely do need International Women’s Day, because women are not equal to men. International Woman’s Day is over 100 years old. Both sexes suffer from opposing ideals of gender roles.

  • This is how the Victorians trolled each other on Valentine's Day

    Vinegar Valentines were a type of poison pen letter sent anonymously to ward off potential suitors or to warn another their lover was not all they seemed. Vinegar Valentines or “comic Valentines” were also popular in America, though widely frowned upon by the media on both sides of the Atlantic for being “filthy” and “nauseating”.

  • Women's March London: Why we took to the streets

    “It feels like everything I stand for is under threat, especially after Trump and Brexit. No sooner had Donald Trump assumed the mantle of the White House than millions of protesters took to the streets in women-led marches across the world. The world is wary of Mr Trump, he’s poised and ready to roll back the years on Women’s reproductive rights, his handpicked cabinet of climate change deniers pose a real threat to the future of our planet, oh, and he’s a well documented racist, homophobe and misogynist who thinks it’s okay to “grab” women “by the pus*y”.

  • Blue Monday is absolute nonsense, here's why

    Supposedly the third Monday in January is the “most depressing day of the year”, hence the name ‘Blue Monday’. The story goes like this: once upon a time there was a holiday company looking to increase revenue. Enter Dr. Cliff Arnall, a former part-time tutor at Cardiff University who as since admitted the whole thing is meaningless.

  • What I learned from six months without alcohol

    Last year I quit alcohol for six months. I felt troubled I’d never known myself as an adult who didn’t drink; the longest break I’d ever taken was a week, two at most. From working in restaurants aged 18, to university drinking culture, to sitting in front of the telly with a glass of red. All ‘normal’ stuff. Oh there were times I abused alcohol; a painful breakup and my quarter life crisis saw me use red wine as one hell of a crutch but I didn’t feel my habits were out of the ordinary, not compared to my peers or even the culture around me.

  • 15 super last-minute present ideas (that you can buy on Christmas Eve)

    The irksome spectre of Christmas present’s been looming over you for weeks, ‘Spend your wages Ebenezer,’ it nags. Yet for whatever reason – time, money, an acute loathing of festive consumerism – you’ve been resisting. Now, hurtling towards the big day, eyes wide and glassy like a terrified Anime character, you find yourself face to face with the dreaded last-minute dash to the high street. Noooooooo!