Gina Ryder

    Gina Ryder

    Blog Editor

  • This Is What Inspires Girls In Stem

    Editor's Note: This post is part of a series produced by HuffPost's Girls In STEM Mentorship Program. Join the community as we discuss issues affecting women in science, technology, engineering and math. The Huffington Post posed this question to the applicants of our Girls In STEM Mentorship Program. Become a founding member of HuffPost Plus today.

  • Psalm 137 7-9 Understanding Violence in the Bible

    The Bible comes up in the conversation on HuffPost Religion almost daily. The Religion team sees Psalm 137: 7-9 appear in virtually any conversation on an article that mentions the Bible or one of our many pieces of scriptural commentary. With so much interest, we couldn’t ignore the topic of violence in the Bible any longer.

  • If You Could Put One Message On A Billboard What Would It Be?

     The large scale advertisement featured a picture of Santa as under the 'merry' text and an image of Jesus to go along with the 'myth' text. The Huff Post Religion audience was in a passionate, emotional discourse over the billboard. Become a founding member of HuffPost Plus today.

  • Prayer Interrupted: Sisters Not-so Affectionate Moment Charms The Web

    Rachel also kept pulling her sister’s hair throughout the bedtime blessing. Renee and Rachel also starred in a separate YouTube channel called Bible Girl . In that series, Rachel holds a Bible and gives a sermon.

  • How To Have A Peaceful Election Day: Advice from the HuffPost Religion Community

    Living in a world of passionate, opinionated people can cause serious stress so we reached out to our community for their advice on staying spiritually calm this election day (and perhaps longer if there are recounts). Here is advice from the HuffPost Religion community to help navigate the diverse viewpoints and political tension in the world today. As I walk into the voting booth on Election Day I pause for a moment and study two Jewish texts.

  • Remembering Our Loved Ones On All Souls Day: Send in Yours Photos

    Observed by several Christian denominations, All Soul’s Day is observed on November 2 following All Saints Day. Here at HuffPost Religion, we invited our community to share a photo of a loved one. Do you want to honor a loved one for All Souls Day?

  • Do Nautral Disasters Shake Up Your Faith? Readers Provide Passionate Answers

    While reactions to severe weather can fall into two categories – blaming a “sinful” group or questioning God, responses from the HuffPost Religion insist that that hurling accusations about God’s wrath can be just as destructive as the storm itself.

  • Photographer Ian Spanier Captures Unsung Heros

    When  Ian Spanier was six years old, back in his hometown of Hastings, New York, his parents handed him his first camera. Since then, he’s taken his lens out for sports stars, supermodels and celebrities like Kim Kardashian and Steven Taylor. Coming from a modest locale like Hastings, Spanier could be considered a hometown hero in his own right, but his most recent work tells us that he's not so concerned with personal recognition.

  • PREDICT: How Many Times Will God Be Mentioned At The Presidential Debate?

    With the domestic policy debate approaching, HuffPost Religion is wondering how many times Governor Romney will mention God. Washington Post guest columnist Jacques Berlinerblau predicted mums the word when it comes to the big man upstairs. At a rally at the Military Aviation Museum in Virginia Beach, Romney said, "That pledge says 'under God.' I will not take God out of our platform.

  • How A Photography Company Makes Rock and Roll History Come Alive

    Captured on the Lower East Side by a New York nightlife photographer, we see her pre-rockstar pout in this week’s Moving Image photo essay in Huffington. The essay is a curated collection of rare rock images from Rock Paper Photo, an online fine art gallery full of moments in rock history that most haven’t seen before. A blend of outtakes from iconic photo shoots and performance candids, Rock Paper Photo pictures are the stop-stare-and-daydream shots that are discovered through CEO Mark Halpern and his team's knack for unearthing gems from the photo archives of any photographer who will grant him access to their image storage.

  • Diego Ravier: Albinos in Africa Show Us Human Dignity

    If you are intensely misunderstood, you want Diego Ravier to be your photographer. During his stay, the French non-profit also asked him to feature doctors who work with Albinos and as his original assignment completed, he turned his attention to the albinos themselves, a group of people often seen as outcasts in a country where a genetic disorder that creates pale white skin is viewed superstitiously by fellow Africans who make Albinos the subject of economic, physical and social turmoil.

  • Photographing Sikhs With Fiona Aboud

    For the past five years photographer Fiona Aboud has been traveling around the U.S. taking pictures of Sikh Americans. Part of her series, Sikhs: An American Portrait was recently featured in Huffington as the general public was gathering more information about Sikhs after the gaurdwara shooting in Wisconsin. With over 500,000 Sikhs living in America, Aboud searches for the most interesting individuals to photograph such as the number one peach farmer in the U.S. and a famous Sikh actor.

  • Capturing A Lost Tribe: How A Photographer Ends Up In The Egyptian Desert

    When photojournalist Ana Nance arrived in Egypt for The United Nations World Tourism organization conference, she knew camel rides and presentations on the Arab Spring’s affect on tourism was the plan. Known for her globetrotting sociological instinct, she told The Huffington Post, “Once you get to a place and you start to smell it out, things come up.” Her no-fancy lens, no-ladder, no-lights style has captured everything from Chinese citizens in the aftermath of Tiananmen Square to gypsies in rural Spain. In a recent photo essay that appeared in our weekly iPad magazine, Huffington, you’ll see the fruits of her off-the-agenda encounter with a family apart of Ababda, an ancient nomadic tribe that lives among the sands and pyramids of Wadi el Gamal National Park, several hours away from the conference location.

  • Faith Inspires: Different Religions, One Entity

    Editor's note: Every week, HuffPost Religion shines a spotlight on religious people doing good work in their communities. If you would like to recommend a faith-inspired organization, initiative or person in your community, send an email to religion@huffingtonpost.com or tweet to @huffpostrelig using the hashtag #faithinspires. On a hot weekend in July, Muslim women were hard at work operating a flea market to raise funds for fall programming at their Muslim American Society community center in Astoria, N.Y.

  • What Does Religious Freedom Mean To You? Add Your Own Response

    Religious freedom is one aspect of what we celebrate on Independence Day. Huff Post Religion put a call out to our community to ask what religious freedom means to them. What does religious freedom mean for you?

  • Faith And Fatherhood: How Does Spirituality Affect Your Parenting?

    It’s common for sons and daughters to express their love and gratitude to their dads on Father’s Day. Starting on Twitter, we asked, “How does your faith influence your life as a dad?” Instantly, we received replies from dads across the U.S. who told us they relied on spirituality for providence, direction and overall child rearing guidance. The slideshow below includes powerful stories from stay-at-home dads, single fathers and even one brand new dad.

  • Twitter Testimonies From The HuffPost Religion Community

    Last week, HuffPost Religion put out a call for testimonies of belief in 140 characters or less on Twitter. With the hashtag, #twittertestimony, we received a flood of powerful replies that showed the diversity of the HuffPost Religion community. Some of the stories started with how a person was raised while others shared encounters with divine intervention or exploration of new spiritual texts.

  • HuffPost Religion Community Honors Their Faithful Mothers

    In honor of Mother’s Day, HuffPost Religion asked our community to reflect on how their mother shaped their faith. Robert Pelfrey from Midland Texas wrote to us saying that his favorite description of Jesus is in Matthew 9 where Jesus saw the crowds and had compassion on them because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Pelfrey grew up in the 70's and 80's. His town had a backwards prejudice but his mother, a special education teacher taught many students from a minority community, some of which had learning disabilities or drug abuse issues.

  • What Would Be In Your Healthy Vending Machine?

    Healthy Vending Machines: What Would You Stock In Yours?

  • What Questions Should Arianna Ask The Dalai Lama?

    When the Dalai Lama learned he had been awarded the Templeton Prize, his response was to insist that he is nothing more than a simple Buddhist monk. Arianna has asked for suggestions from HuffPost users on what questions she should ask and what topics she and the Dalai Lama should address.