Conor Skelding, Yahoo! News

    Conor Skelding, Yahoo! News

  • Obama returns to Reddit, soliciting votes

    About an hour ago, President Barack Obama signed on to the social media website Reddit and stumped for users' votes. In a post titled "Reddit, this is important," Obama told redditors that "polls will start closing in this election in just a few hours, and I need you to vote." Like one of the gang, [...]

  • Interview with Jenn Gibbons, who finished 1,500-mile row for charity despite sexual assault

    On Tuesday, Jenn Gibbons finished her 1,500 mile row around the perimeter of Lake Michigan, despite being sexually assaulted earlier in her two-month-long journey. She undertook the long row to raise money for her non-profit, Recovery on Water (ROW), a rowing team made up of breast cancer survivors, which promotes exercise as a way of [...]

  • Meet Brig. Gen. Tammy Smith, the first openly gay U.S. general

    Last week, Brigadier General Tammy Smith became the first openly gay officer of flag rank in the United States army. She was promoted in an Aug. 10 ceremony at Arlington at which Brig. Gen. Smith's wife, Tracey Hepner, pinned the star onto her uniform. "While the [Dept. of Defense] position is that orientation is a private matter, [...]

  • Conflict of interest or media quarrel? The Nation and the Free Beacon continue their feud

    Call it a conflict of interest or maybe just a bitter media feud. Wherever the truth lies, one thing is for sure: relations between the liberal magazine The Nation and the conservative online newspaper the Washington Free Beacon have hit a new low. On July 26th, The Nation's blog posted an article by Lee Fang entitled [...]

  • Colorado man arrested for openly carrying gun in movie theater

    Carrying a gun into a theater doesn't exactly put fellow moviegoers at ease, especially if it comes on the heels of a shooting tragedy in the same vicinity. On Sunday night, Thorton, Colo., police arrested James G. Mapes for openly carrying a holstered firearm into a movie theater, according to the Denver Post. The Thornton [...]

  • Citizen correspondents: How Reddit reported the Colorado shooting

    It's not just news outlets and Twitter feeds keeping the public up to date on the latest developments surrounding the Colorado movie theater shooting that left 12 people dead and 59 injured Friday. Reddit, the site that offers user-generated news links, had many people heavily tracking the story, with strangers obsessively discussing, chronicling and covering [...]

  • Eric Holder on voter ID laws: ‘We call those poll taxes’

    Click image to view more photos. (Chris Graythen/Getty Images) Speaking before the NAACP, Attorney General Eric Holder departed from his prepared speech on Tuesday, decrying voter ID laws that have been proposed in 10 states so far. Talking Points Memo reports: "Under the proposed law, concealed handgun licenses would be acceptable forms of photo ID, [...]

  • Obama’s hut-dwelling half-brother interviewed in new movie

    President Barack Obama's half-brother, George Obama, lives in a hut in Kenya. He will be featured in the upcoming anti-Obama film "2016: Obama's America," according to The Hollywood Reporter. The movie, based on Dinesh D'Souza's book "The Roots of Obama's Rage," features a conversation between D'Souza and George Obama. From The Hollywood Reporter: D'Souza and [...]

  • Just step outside: More Americans convinced of climate change after extreme weather

    Every summer it seems like a different kind of out-of-control weather pattern decides to strike. In the past month alone, we've experienced deadly Colorado wildfires, early-season heat waves and a wind-whipping hurricane, convincing formerly dubious Americans that climate change is actually real, according to the Associated Press. "Many people around the world are beginning to [...]

  • As foie gras ban looms in California, enthusiasts vow civil disobedience

    Starting this Sunday, California will prohibit the sale or production of foie gras, the rich French delicacy made by a force-feeding ducks and geese. The process, called "gavage," causes a duck's liver to swell many times its normal size, and is considered particularly cruel by animal rights advocates. "Foie gras is a barbaric product. It never [...]

  • Fired Philly area teacher with controversial blog sues district

    Natalie Munroe, a teacher at Central Bucks East High School in Doylestown, Pa., was fired Tuesday night after a long controversy over the content of her foul-mouthed, tell-all blog, "Where are we going & why are we in this hand basket." In it, the honors English teacher complained of "disengaged, lazy students" and of feckless faculty [...]