Caroline Bologna

    Caroline Bologna

    Culture & Parenting Reporter, HuffPost

  • 14 Sweet Quotes About Motherhood From Jane Krakowski

    The "30 Rock" star has a son, Bennett, with her ex-partner Robert Godley.

  • 18 Thoughtful Quotes About Parenthood From Joan Cusack

    The actor and her husband, Richard Burke, have two grown sons.

  • The Rudest Things You Can Do On A Plane

    Etiquette experts share their top air travel faux pas.

  • 12 Interesting Baby Names That Are Newly Popular

    One of the most exciting parts of the Social Security Administration's list of the top 1000 baby names is the debuts and returns list. A name made the 2014 top baby names list if at least 205 newborn boys or at 262 newborn girls were given that name. The 2014 Top 1000 names list includes 44 and 34 names that had not appeared on the 2013 lists for girls and boys, respectively.

  • 12 Vintage Girls' Names That Were Originally Nicknames

    Belle, the heroine's name in Beauty and the Beast, was a Top 100 name in the 1880s. Ella stands all on her own at Number 15 in the U.S. –- and ranks in the Top 100 in several European countries –- exactly where she stood in 1882. While Ella has a long history as a popular free-standing name, she can also be short for a range of names that begin or end with the Ella sound: Eleanor and Elena, for instance, along with Gabriella and Rafaella.

  • 16 Earth Day Baby Names

    Calling all green-thumbed parents! In honor of Earth Day today, we've put together a list of baby names related to our planet's natural elements. Bay, which actually means ‘berry,’ is one of the most pleasant of the cool, new water-inspired names, and could make a refreshing middle name alternate to the more expected May or Ray. The bubbling Brook is more often seen in its Brooke spelling for girls, and sometimes Brooks for boys, though there is a character named Brook Soso on "Orange is the New Black." Brooke was boosted in popularity by Brooke Shields (born Christa) and is now at Number 113 (it peaked at 52 in 1981).

  • 12 Easter-Inspired Baby Names From Famous Rabbits

    'Tis the season for Easter egg hunts, your Sunday best and of course, bunnies! If you're expecting this Spring and need a baby name, consider looking to famous rabbits for inspiration. Another Beatrix Potter bunny is Benjamin B, a cousin of Peter’s. Benjamin, the consistently popular Old Testament appellation, is currently the 15th most chosen baby name in the US, with notable namesakes ranging from Benjamin Franklin to Benjamin Affleck. Cecily Parsley is the title character of Beatrix Potter’s collection Cecily Parsley’s Nursery Rhymes.

  • 8 Likely Name Options For The Next Royal Baby -- And 13 Unlikely Ones

    Now that Catherine, the Duchess of Cambridge, is officially on maternity leave, it seems like a good moment for an update on the current royal baby name expectations and prognostications. As of this moment, the odds for the second baby's name heavily favor Alice, which currently stands at 2-1 at bookmaker William Hill , 7-2 at Paddy Power, and 3-1 at Betfair. Alice has impeccable royal credentials, most notably as the name Queen Victoria gave her second daughter.

  • 13 Irish Baby Boy Names In Time For St. Patrick's Day

    From Patrick to Sean to 2013 favorite Liam, Irish boys' names have been popular in the U.S. for centuries. In honor of St. Patrick's Day, we've compiled a list of popular boy names in Ireland that may soon climb the baby name charts stateside. Pronounced KEE-an, Cian ranks just outside the top 10, at number 11 on the Irish 100 Most Popular Boys' Names list.

  • 12 Musicians Who Have Inspired Some Of The Fastest-Rising Baby Names

    The biggest names in music have inspired some of the fastest-rising baby names in recent years, from the now well-established Aaliyah to the astonishing debut of Jayceon. Which celebrity names will leap from the Billboard Hot 100 to the baby name popularity charts next? Aaliyah Haughton was just 12 years old when she signed her first recording contract, and only 22 when she died in a plane crash.

  • 12 Baby Names Inspired By History-Making Black Female Singers

    In honor of Black History Month, we salute some fabulous singers who contributed to the birth of the blues and the beginnings of jazz. Jazz singer Adelaide Hall had a career that spanned 70 years, was a major figure in the Harlem Renaissance, pioneered the improvisational vocal techniques known as “scat” singing, and had great success in England. Another jazz and blues singer with a long career, Alberta Hunter had early success, starting in 1917, flourished as a singer and songwriter in the 1920s and 1930s and was still performing into the seventies.

  • 14 Sweet Valentine's Day-Inspired Baby Names

    Valentine's Day is a time for delicious treats, and if you’re expecting a new baby right about now, plenty of those sweets could inspire your kid’s name. From a Latin word meaning sweet, it’s found in romantic elaborations like Dulcibella and Dulcinea -- Don Quixote’s true love. Were they thinking of the nectar, or Honey Rider of James Bond fame? Kate Winslet named her firstborn Mia Honey.

  • 16 Stories That Prove Date Night Will Never Be The Same After Kids

    When you have kids, "date night" turns into a fleeting and often disastrous occasion -- and Valentine's Day is no exception. We asked the HuffPost Parents Facebook community to share their worst date night stories, and in addition to countless responses of "What's a date night?" and "I haven't been on a date since 2006," we received anecdotes about some seriously ill-fated date nights.

  • 12 Sweet Baby Names Inspired By Nursery Rhymes

    With their lilting rhythms and catchy rhymes, nursery rhymes have delighted successive generations of children since the first publication of Mother Goose in the 1700s -- though the original meanings, some of them political, have been lost.

  • 14 Baby Girl Names Inspired By Strong, Adventurous Women

    If when you hear the words "adventurer" or "explorer," you get the image of a macho man in a pith helmet on a quest to discover new lands, here are the names of some women that should turn that image around. Alexandrine Tinné was a Dutch explorer in Africa and the first European woman to attempt to cross the Sahara, in 1859. One of the more unusual names in the Alex family, Alexandrine has royal ties in several countries, and its variant Alexandrina was the first name of Queen Victoria.

  • Eccentric Baby Name Ideas 'Girls' Fans Will Love

    The HBO show "Girls" is back, and whether you love it, hate it, or couldn’t care less, you’ve got to admit that it has probably the most interesting, eccentric, original roster of character and cast member names ever seen on TV. First of all there are the four main characters, who each just happens to have a strikingly alliterative name: Hannah Helene Horvath, Jessa Johansson, Marnie Marie Michaels, and Shoshanna Shapiro, played by actresses named Lena, Jemima, Allison and Zosia. OK, so most of those are fairly normal -- Hannah a classic biblical name, Jessa an offshoot of Jessica, and Marnie a somewhat retro 70s name that fell off the popularity list in 1977, but may see something of a revival thanks to the "Girls" character and to the fact that it was recently picked for her daughter by singer Lily Allen (mother also of Ethel).

  • 12 Award-Worthy Baby Names Inspired By The Golden Globes

    A winner and a loser, Alejandro Gonzales Inarritu won for his "Birdman" screenplay but lost out to "Boyhood’s" Richard Linklater for best motion picture director. Atticus Ross was nominated for best original score in a motion picture for his collaboration with Trent Reznor on "Gone Girl." The first name of the upright, highly principled character in To Kill a Mockingbird is now the third most popular name on Nameberry, and just waiting for the rest of the world to catch up. Benedict Cumberbatch was nominated as best actor for his depiction of code breaker Alan Turing in "The Imitation Game," but he was beaten by Eddie Redmayne as Stephen Hawking in "The Theory of Everything." Cumberbatch has single handedly elevated the Shakespearean name Benedict to an increasingly popular alternative to the classic Benjamin.

  • 11 Vanished Vintage Baby Boys' Names Ready For Revival

    Not too long ago, Arthur was a "grandpa name", and Theodore was the family name you vowed you would never use. Olivia Wilde and Jason Sudeikis named their son Otis. Soulful singer Otis Redding inspired Wilde & Sudeikis, and makes this name part-retro revival, part-hero choice.

  • 7 Ways To Choose Baby Names For Twins

    There are lots of ways to link twin names, from the obvious -- sharing a first initial -- to the so-subtle-it’s-nearly-invisible. The most popular twin names are linked by first initial: Madison and Matthew, say, or Taylor and Tyler. Less obvious than matching the first initial of the twin names are choosing two names with the same number of syllables or similar sounds.

  • 12 Baby Names Inspired By Notable People Born On New Year's Day

    It’s the birth of a new year, and the first of January also happens to be the birth date of numerous notables who might make a worthy namesake for your New Year’s baby -- among them Paul Revere, Betsy Ross, John Smith and Pocahontas, E.M Forster, Barry Goldwater, and Hank Greenberg. Ewell Doak Walker, Jr., always known by his middle name, was a big midcentury Football Hall of Famer, featured on the cover of LIFE magazine in 1948. Doak is a Scottish surname.