Brittany Wong

    Brittany Wong

    Senior Lifestyle Reporter, HuffPost

  • Great Grandparents Turn Into 'Up' Characters For Grandson's Birthday

    Richard and Caroline Bain, who both turn 90 this year, stepped in to play Carl and Ellie.

  • Why Jada Pinkett Smith Dislikes The Word 'Wife'

    The actress is happily married to Will Smith, but their "life partnership" is far from "conventional."

  • No, You Can't Divorce-Proof Your Marriage (But Here's What You Can Do Instead)

    The first rule to follow if you want to "divorce-proof" your marriage? As comforting as it may be to believe you can shield yourself from a split, experts say the phrase "divorce-proof" sends the wrong message to married couples. It's simply not realistic to ever offer a lifelong assurance on anything to anyone -- especially a guarantee that a marriage will last," said marriage therapist Becky Whetstone.

  • 14 Things Divorce Teaches You About Marriage

    The marriage didn't last but you undoubtedly walked away with a better understanding of what you need to do to establish a stronger, healthier relationship in the future. With that in mind, we recently asked HuffPost Divorce bloggers and our community on Facebook to share the most valuable marriage lesson they learned from divorce. "I learned that I have to be as important in a relationship as the other person.

  • My Husband And I Live In The Same Building As My Ex. Here's What It's Like

    Christine Amour-Levar is used to people giving her the side-eye when she tells them about her living arrangement. The mom of four is remarried but lives in the same apartment building as her ex-husband. Why would anyone want to live this way, in such close proximity to an ex-husband or ex-wife?'" Amour-Levar told The Huffington Post.

  • 7 Ways Men Say They Bounced Back From Divorce

    Rerouting your future when the relationship falls apart is hard regardless of whether you're a man or woman. Take it from Joel Schwartzberg, the author of The 40-Year-Old Version: Humoirs of a Divorced Dad. "I know it's tempting to think a divorce will dilute, minimize or do irreparable harm to your role as a dad and it can... if you let it," Schwartzberg said.

  • I Learned What 'Happily Ever After' Really Meant After Divorce

    "This Is Divorce At..." is a HuffPost Divorce series delving into divorce at every stage of life. Email us at divorce@huffingtonpost.com or tweet @HuffPost Divorce. As writer Nancy Lay-King tells it, divorce at 56 has its own unique challenges.

  • What You Need To Know If Your Spouse Leaves You

    Divorce is a painful experience regardless of who initiates it, but it hurts that much more when you're the spouse who's left. "I want a divorce." With one short declarative sentence, life as you knew it was upturned. "When my husband left, I thought my life was over," said Stacey Freeman, a senior editor at DivorcedMoms.com.

  • What It's Like To Have Your Parents Split Up As A 4-Year-Old

    "When My Parents Split Up" is a HuffPost series that explores what it's like to have your parents divorce at all ages, from infancy to adulthood. Brooklyn-based writer Toria Sheffield was only 4 when her parents split up in the early '90s. Below, Sheffield, a writer who runs a lifestyle parody blog called facematters, tells us more about growing up with divorced parents.

  • She 'Couldn't Support Herself' At 43. Now She's A Force To Be Reckoned With.

    "This Is Divorce At..." is a HuffPost Divorce series delving into divorce at every stage of life. Email us at divorce@huffingtonpost.com or tweet @HuffPost Divorce. On their 25th anniversary, Wendy Mooney and her husband renewed their vows.

  • New Poll Shows Half Of Divorcés Had Pre-Wedding Jitters

    Don't be so quick to dismiss those pre-wedding jitters: A new survey suggests that cold feet could signal marital trouble down the road. U.K. law firm Slater and Gordon surveyed more than 1,600 divorcés about their wedding days and found that half of them had serious doubts about the relationship before walking down the aisle. Sixty-five percent of those polled admitted they'd even considered going the "Runaway Bride" route and bolting the day of the wedding.

  • Boy's Video About Being From A 'Broken Home' Has A Sweet, Unexpected Twist

    Sure, Azka Corbuzier is growing up in what some might call a broken home -- but thanks to the love and support of his parents, the 9 year old feels anything but broken. In a sweet YouTube video that's racked up more than 490,000 views, the Indonesian boy maps out his parents' short-lived love story and says that his family has actually become stronger since the split. Azka's dad Deddy Corbuzier -- a well-known illusionist and TV presenter in Indonesia -- told The Huffington Post that he and his ex-wife tear up every time they watch the video.

  • What It's Like To Be A Divorced Guy In Your Twenties

    "This Is Divorce At..." is a HuffPost Divorce series delving into divorce at every stage of life. Want to share your experience of divorcing at a certain age? Email us at divorce@huffingtonpost.com or tweet @HuffPost Divorce.

  • How My Ex And I Put Our Differences Aside To Raise Our Son

    As part of our Blended Family Friday series, each week we spotlight a different stepfamily to learn how they've worked to bring their two families together. After the divorce, we both really wanted our parenting relationship to work.

  • 11 Promises To Make To Your Kids After Divorce

    From complaints about the new living arrangement to boy problems, you want them to know you've still got it covered. With that in mind, we recently asked our readers and HuffPost bloggers to share with us the promises and assurances they made to their kiddos after divorce.

  • What It's Like To Divorce As A Twenty-Something Mom

    "This Is Divorce At..." is a HuffPost Divorce series delving into divorce at every stage of life. Email us at divorce@huffingtonpost.com or tweet @HuffPost Divorce. Two years have passed since Megan Lemanek's husband told her he wanted a divorce.

  • 8 Conversations You Need To Have Before Marrying Again

    Frank Sinatra once crooned that love is lovelier the second time around but Ol' Blue Eyes wasn't telling the whole story: when you remarry, love is also a whole lot more complicated. The best way to stave off a second (or third) divorce is by addressing challenges as early as possible. Below, relationship experts weigh in with eight pressing conversations you need to have with your S.O. before giving marriage another shot.

  • 11 Reasons There's No Such Thing As A 'Failed Marriage'

    There's a quote from novelist Victoria Holt that's particularly well-suited to describe the divorce experience. Below, HuffPost Divorce bloggers and readers share the reasons they have no regrets about saying "I do," even if they eventually divorced.

  • 'I Got A Divorce For My 30th Birthday'

    "This Is Divorce At..." is a HuffPost Divorce series delving into divorce at every stage of life. Email us at divorce@huffingtonpost.com or tweet @HuffPost Divorce. At 27, Rebecca Neville agreed to marry her boyfriend after eight years of dating.

  • This Is What It Looks Like To Get Rejected On National Television

    Getting turned down for a date on national television is the kind of next-level humiliation that haunts you for the rest of your life. Apparently, Jessica had already postponed a date with Thomas so she could see Kylie Minogue on Graham's show.