Braden Goyette

    Braden Goyette

    Senior Editor, The Huffington Post

  • Supreme Court Nomination Process Sure To Be An Epic Debate

    White House officials began sifting through their pool of potential nominees for the newly vacant seat on the nation's highest court Sunday, girding for battle with Republicans who are insisting that President Obama leave the choice of a new justice to his successor.

  • What Might Happen To This Term's Close Cases

    The passing of Justice Scalia of course affects the cases now before the Court. Of course, if Justice Scalia’s vote was not necessary to the outcome – for example, if he was in the dissent or if the majority included more than five Justices – then the case will still be decided, only by an eight-member Court. Become a founding member of HuffPost Plus today.

  • Harry Reid: Contested Democratic Convention Possible

    Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid said Thursday that the Democratic race for president could drag on for months -- and possibly to the Democratic National Convention in July.

  • NYT: Bloomberg Planning Independent Presidential Run

    Galled by Donald J. Trump's dominance of the Republican field, and troubled by Hillary Clinton's stumbles and the rise of Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont on the Democratic side, Michael R. Bloomberg has instructed advisers to draw up plans for an independent campaign in this year's presidential race.

  • How The Des Moines Register Endorsements Could Backfire

    The Des Moines Register has been endorsing candidates ahead of Iowa's presidential caucuses since 1988, but when it announces its latest picks Saturday evening, it'll be doing so in an upside-down political atmosphere in which once-vaunted traditions have become unwelcome reminders of insiderdom.

  • Why We Shouldn't Be So Quick To Turn The Page On Abuse In The Catholic Church

    The election of Pope Francis, in 2013, had the effect, among other things, of displacing the painful story of priestly sexual abuse that had dominated public awareness of the Church during much of the eight-year papacy of his predecessor. The sense that the Church, both during the last years of Benedict and under Francis, had begun to deal more forcefully with the issue created a desire in many, inside and outside the Church, to move on.

  • Texas Becomes 45th Open Carry State Tomorrow

    Texas is starting off the new year with a bang: A statewide gun law that doesn't make much sense.

  • Kasich Gains Support Of Billionaire Investor

    Ohio Gov. John Kasich has secured the support of Ron Burkle, a billionaire investor who has been a prominent supporter of Democrats over the years — including the Clintons.

  • GOP Establishment Candidates Take Aim At Each Other

    With less than five weeks before voters begin weighing in on the 2016 GOP presidential nomination, the establishment contenders — who until now have been relatively restrained — have begun aiming their fire at each other.

  • U.S. Tried To Spy On Bibi, Ended Up Spying On Congress

    National Security Agency's targeting of Israeli leaders also swept up the content of private conversations with U.S. lawmakers.

  • The Wild Ideas You Missed While Donald Trump Was Talking

    After five Republican debates, most Americans know about Donald Trump's provocative beliefs, like his desires to end birthright citizenship, stop Muslim immigration and kill families of suspected terrorists. Much less attention has been paid to Carly Fiorina's conclusion that the minimum wage is unconstitutional, Mike Huckabee's pledge to defy Supreme Court rulings he deems incompatible with God's law, Rick Santorum's claim that Islam is not protected by the First Amendment or Chris Christie's threat to shoot down Russian planes and launch cyberattacks on Chinese leaders.

  • Conservative Fury Falls On Ryan

    Outside the Beltway, the right is livid with new Speaker Paul Ryan's trillion-dollar spending deal with Democrats.

  • Gitmo Lawyers Question Whether Obama Really Plans To Close Military Prison

    Lawyers representing Guantánamo Bay detainees who have been held at the camp in Cuba for up to 14 years without charge or trial have accused President Obama of stalling on his promise to close the military prison.

  • 'Star Wars' Makes Christmas Box Office History

    The continuing might of Star Wars: The Force Awakens is making for a very merry Christmas at the North American box office.

  • Clinton Building Most Expansive Fundraising Network In Recent Memory

    Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign is building the most expansive fundraising network in recent memory, taking its prospecting far beyond the usual Democratic strongholds on the East and West coasts.

  • Drew Brees' Foot Injury Didn't Happen Overnight

    The foot pain New Orleans Saints quarterback Drew Brees experienced Monday was likely to be sudden and excruciating, according to a doctor that specializes in such injuries. And the pain in many cases will intensify with the first step out of bed in the morning.

  • U.S. Pursued Secret Contacts With Assad Regime for Years

    The Obama administration pursued secret communications with elements of Syria's regime over several years in a failed attempt to limit violence and get President Bashar al-Assad to relinquish power, according to U.S. and Arab officials.

  • Troubling Trend Emerges In Georgia Police Killings

    Nearly half the 184 Georgians shot and killed by police since 2010 were unarmed or shot in the back, an Atlanta Journal-Constitution/Channel 2 Action News investigation has found.

  • GOP Contenders Prep For Loud, Ugly Holiday Season

    When the Republican National Committee pushed the Iowa caucuses out a month to Feb. 1, it seemed like the good people of Iowa and New Hampshire might get to enjoy the holiday season and a short respite from presidential politics. Goodbye to all that.

  • 1/5 Of U.S. Adults Live In Or Near Poverty

    One in five US adults now lives in households either in poverty or on the cusp of poverty, with almost 5.7m having joined the country's lowest income ranks since the global financial crisis.