Amber Ferguson

    Amber Ferguson

    Associate Politics Video Editor, The Huffington Post

  • Hillary Clinton Visited The Set Of "Scandal" And Is Officially A Gladiator

    Apparently Mellie Grant was busy running for president too.

  • Jimmy Carter: Confederate Flag's Symbolism Is Like A 'Cancer' In People's Minds

    Former President Jimmy Carter said Tuesday that the idea that Americans should honor racism with the Confederate flag is similar to a disease in people’s minds. “I think in many people’s minds the Confederate battle flag is not only a memorial to our ancestors, which is perfectly OK, but also a symbol of white superiority and an inclination for people to believe that even slavery would’ve been OK,” Carter said on HuffPost Live . South Carolina lawmakers voted Monday to remove the Confederate battle flag that flies at the state capitol in Columbia, after weeks of debate following last month’s massacre that left nine people dead at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston.

  • Watch Obama Address Homicidal Gun Violence Again, And Again, And Again, And Again, And...

    President Barack Obama found himself in a familiar, dark place on Thursday: addressing the nation about a shooting that had taken multiple lives. It was the 14th time during his administration that he had been forced to issue a statement in response to a mass killing, according to CBS’ Mark Knoller. Once clinical and business-like when responding to tragedy, Obama now seems emotionally worn down and at times overtly angry when these incidents occur.

  • Joni Ernst Says Hillary Clinton Isn't Doing Enough On Women's Issues

    Sen. Joni Ernst (R-Iowa) slammed former Secretary of State and 2016 Democratic presidential contender Hillary Clinton on on her stance on women's issues. During the 2014 midterm elections, Clinton campaigned for Ernst's Democratic opponent, former Rep. Bruce Braley, and criticized Ernst for not doing enough to stand up for women.

  • Barbara Bush Celebrates 90th Birthday, Shares Her Anti-Aging Secret

    To celebrate her 90th birthday on Monday, former first lady Barbara Bush let us in on her secret to looking young -- pearls. "The pearls are to cover the wrinkles, which they no longer do," Bush said. Bush also discussed why she never dyed her hair when it started to gray.

  • Dennis Hastert Received A Strange Call While On C-SPAN

    Former House Speaker Dennis Hastert (R-Ill.) received a strange call from a man in Yorkville, Ill., while on C-SPAN in 2014, which is making the rounds in light of the Justice Department's indictment Thursday. Become a founding member of HuffPost Plus today. On Thursday, the Department of Justice announced Hastert's indictment surrounding his $3.5 million in payments to keep an unnamed individual quiet about his “prior misconduct.” The nature of that misconduct is not detailed.

  • Obama Promises Quick Federal Aid For Texas Areas Affected By Floods

    President Barack Obama spoke with Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) on Tuesday to offer his condolences to those affected by deadly floods that tore through parts of Texas. Obama said he has directed Federal Emergency Management Agency resources to the area. "I assured Governor Abbott that he could count on the help of the federal government," Obama said Tuesday following a meeting with NATO's secretary general.

  • Google Maps No Longer Shows The White House When You Search For 'N---- House'

    Google has corrected an issue with its Google Maps search algorithm which had led users who searched for "nigga house" to the White House. "This week, we heard about a failure in our system -- loud and clear," Jen Fitzpatrick, Google's vice president of engineering and product management, wrote in a blog post Thursday. The Huffington Post was first to report this week that entering the racist term in Google Maps led some users to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., where the White House is located.

  • David Letterman Grilling Politicians And Pundits Through The Years

    In the weeks leading up to Wednesday's final show, David Letterman has been hailed as a comic genius, a revolutionary who stormed the networks in a Velcro suit. When he's gone, one thing that we may not actually see again on mainstream television is Letterman's unique, prickly interview style. Sure, there was the celebrated awkward moment with Cher, a recent gruesome exchange with a clueless Dan Patrick and a teary moment with Lindsay Lohan.

  • If You Type 'N---- House' Into Google Maps, It Will Take You To The White House

    President Barack Obama is no stranger to Internet racism, but this is just ridiculous: typing “nigga house” into Google Maps can land you at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. A screenshot of the glitch, confirmed by HuffPost Politics, was posted to Twitter by a user named Bomani Buckhalter. “The screenshot first appeared from a fellow Howard University alum in our alumni GroupMe.

  • Jeff Flake Chased Down A Pig For A Selfie

    The congressman, along with Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz. Sen. Pat Toomey (R-Pa. Sen. Joni Ernst (R-Iowa) and Rep. Tom McClintock (R-Calif.

  • Mitt Romney Says Hillary Clinton Politicized Baltimore Tragedy To Get Support From The Black Community

    While speaking about criminal justice reform at Columbia University, Clinton said, "There is something wrong when more than one out of every three young black men in Baltimore cannot find a job. "Without the mass incarceration that we currently practice, millions fewer people would be living in poverty," she said.

  • Obama Gets Interrupted By Impatient Sixth-Grader

    President Barack Obama was interrupted by a sixth-grader who thought his answer about writer’s block was a bit long-winded. On Thursday, Osman Yaya, a student from Bennett Middle School in Salisbury, Maryland, interviewed the president at the Anacostia Library in Washington, D.C. While Obama was answering a question about writer’s block, Yaya totally cut Obama off.

  • The Best Commentary Out Of Baltimore Is Coming Straight From The Mouths Of Its Residents

    Baltimore residents were out in force on Tuesday, cleaning up their city and contributing a new round of diplomatic discourse to a tense debate that had boiled over the night before in violent clashes, riots and looting. While many television stations covered the turmoil breathlessly on Monday night with wall-to-wall images of raging fires, ransacked stores and other destruction, they dedicated much less time to the underlying causes of the unrest. Instead of discussing the crushing poverty, lack of opportunity and patterns of controversial police behavior in the neighborhoods hit most heavily by the rioting, news anchors collectively clutched their pearls, wondering aloud how such bad things could happen in Charm City.

  • Talking Heads On Cable Say They Understand Baltimore's Poverty From Seeing It Through The Acela's Windows

    Amtrak's Acela, for a premium, shuttles the media, political and financial elite between Washington and New York. On its way, it cruises past some Baltimore neighborhoods and, in the process, educates its passengers about the poverty besetting Charm City. MSNBC contributor Mike Barnicle, speaking on the network's "Morning Joe" on Monday, cited his frequent Amtrak rides through the city in assessing the Baltimore situation.

  • White House Sends Delegation To Freddie Gray's Funeral

    The White House sent its own delegation of officials Monday to the funeral service of Freddie Gray, the African-American man who died of a spinal cord injury while in police custody in Baltimore two weeks ago. The delegation includes Cabinet Secretary Broderick Johnson, chair of the Obama administration's My Brother's Keeper Task Force; Heather Foster, an adviser in the White House Office of Public Engagement; and Elias Alcantara from the Office of Intergovernmental Affairs. Gray, 25, was arrested April 12 and underwent a double surgery on his spine April 14.

  • Little Girl Can't Believe Michelle Obama Is 51

    One young girl sure did make first lady Michelle Obama’s Wednesday. During the question-and-answer portion of the White House's annual Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day, Anaya Brodie asked FLOTUS her age. Become a founding member of HuffPost Plus today.

  • Manchin: Harry Reid's Leadership In The Senate Did Not Work

    Joe Manchin (D-W.Va. called out Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev. on Monday, saying his leadership didn't work.