Aleysha Haniff

    Aleysha Haniff

  • Must-see videos of the week: Feb. 9-15

    Buckle up: this installment of must-see videos might leave your heart racing after a dramatic run-in at a U.S. driver's licencing office.

  • Must-see videos of the week: Feb. 2-8

    At this year's Olympic games, there are plenty of new extreme sports, like Snowboard Slopestyle, but I have a feeling none of the extreme activities in this week's videos will be making an Olympic debut any time soon. Extreme river surfing, extreme driving, and even finding love under some extreme conditions.

  • Why do Canadians avoid the flu shot?

    Despite annual public-health campaigns about the importance of immunization, only somewhere between about one-third and one-quarter of Canadians receive the shot each year, according to Statistics Canada data. What’s with the disconnect?

  • Join us for a live chat with Spacing magazine’s Matthew Blackett

    What makes where you live great? Chances are, some sort of public space makes the list. It’s easy to take them for granted, but these shared areas are vital in creating a sense of community, particularly if you live in … Continue reading →

  • Child abductor Randall Hopley labelled long-term offender

    Convicted child abductor Randall Hopley has escaped dangerous-offender status and the indefinite prison term it carries. Hopley, who abducted three-year-old Kienan Hebert from the bedroom of his unlocked home in Sparwood, B.C., in 2011, was instead declared a long-term offender … Continue reading →

  • Review: Kobo Arc 10HD tablet

    While insatiable bibliophiles might enjoy the convenience of carrying hundreds, if not thousands, of books at once, some readers are looking for an e-reader that can do more. Kobo continues to capitalize on the urge to multitask with three new … Continue reading →

  • Must-see videos of the week: November 8

    The weather might be chilly outside but some of these videos will fill you with warm and fuzzies.