Alexis Ong

    Alexis is a freelance journalist who writes about video games, tech, and digital culture, with a fondness for internet archeology, boxing, cats, and the oxford comma. You can find her at or, very inadvisably, on Twitter.

  • Petit Depotto, 'Gnosia' and the new, obsolete game

    Like most of tech culture, the mainstream gaming industry is constantly hungry for next-gen hardware, and for major studios like Epic Games, Blizzard and Ubisoft, there’s an ongoing competition to stay ahead. Last June, a small Japanese indie studio named Petit Depotto unveiled Gnosia -- a werewolf-style role-playing adventure -- on the aging PlayStation Vita, which Sony officially discontinued in March 2019. Adapted from the 1986 Russian social game Mafia, werewolf scenarios require ‘villagers’ to deduce the identity of a ‘werewolf’ hiding among them.