Alena Hall

    Alena Hall

    Associate Third Metric Editor, The Huffington Post

  • How To Tell If A Bug Bite Needs Medical Attention

    How To Tell If A Bug Bite Needs Medical Attention

  • Why This Woman Chose To Start Her Own Business After Suffering From Burnout

    Why This Woman Chose To Start Her Own Business After Suffering From Burnout

  • Looking For Relief From Depression? Try Laughing At Your Pain

    When Clayton Raithel's first encounter with love came to an unexpected end, he suffered far more than just a broken heart. What looked like an average college breakup spiraled into a major depressive episode, complete with panic attacks, sobbing sessions, psychotherapy and a Zoloft prescription. While there's no scientific consensus on the potential link between depression and comedic expression, there's no denying that some of the world's most beloved comedians suffer or have suffered from mental illness. Jim Carrey has struggled with bipolar disorder. Daniel Tosh has struggled with social anxiety disorder.

  • Yes, It's Possible To 'Overdose' On Water

    You can suffer from hyponatremia, a condition in which sodium levels in your blood reach dangerously low levels due to over-hydration. Also known as "water intoxication," the drop in sodium during or up to 24 hours after physical activity can cause the body's water levels to rise and the cells to swell. Hyponatremia can be challenging to catch early due to a lack of mild symptoms, making it even more important to understand how to hydrate properly.

  • 8 Lessons We Can Learn From The Dalai Lama On His 80th Birthday

    In his lifetime, His Holiness the Dalai Lama has become the quintessential example of what it means to live each day with the utmost compassion. In order to help us all better understand the Dalai Lama's vision for what our world can be, psychologist and science journalist Daniel Goleman, the best-selling author of Emotional Intelligence, recently released A Force for Good, bringing together some of the Dalai Lama's central teachings, the science behind them, and stories of those who have learned from His Holiness's example. Having known the Dalai Lama for more than 30 years, Goleman told HuffPost it was an honor to shadow him on one of his trips to the United States and Canada last year, attend his meetings with business leaders and scientific minds (sometimes lasting as long as 5 days), and interview him about his teachings thus far and what legacy he hopes to leave behind.

  • Larry Hogan's Stage 3 Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma Diagnosis, Explained

    Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan (R) announced on Monday that he has been diagnosed with late stage 3 non-Hodgkin lymphoma, an aggressive form of lymph node cancer. “I’m going to face this challenge with the same energy and determination that I’ve relied on to climb every hill and to overcome every obstacle that I’ve faced in my life,” Hogan said at a news conference on Monday. According to the American Cancer Society, non-Hodgkin lymphoma (also known as non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, NHL, or just lymphoma) is one of the most common cancers in the United States, accounting for about 4 percent of all cancer cases.

  • Put Down That Bottled Water Right Now

    A water bottling company that is responsible for 14 different brands issued a voluntary recall on Monday after discovering that one of their spring water sources tested positive for E. coli bacteria. “E. coli are bacteria whose presence indicates that the water may be contaminated with human or animal wastes," a representative of Niagara Bottling LLC said in a statement. The recall affected all spring water products from Niagra's Hamburg and Allentown, Pennsylvania, facilities.

  • How To Manage Your Finances After Divorce

    How To Manage Your Finances After Divorce

  • Oregon State Senator Wants To Improve Quality Of Life For Domestic Workers

    When Oregon State Sen. Sara Gelser (D-Corvallis) learned that domestic workers were often not afforded the labor protections enjoyed by workers in other industries, she decided to lead the creation of a new bill to help improve their quality of life. "They do the work that makes all other work possible," Gesler told HuffPost Live host Nancy Redd during a June 12 segment to discuss the offerings of the bill that she has been so instrumental in drafting and passing. "In Oregon, this bill impacts directly nannies, housekeepers, people who care for children, and anything related to the care of the home," said Gelser.

  • Why This Doctor Prescribes His ADHD Patients 'Parks' Instead Of Pills

    Why This Doctor Prescribes His ADHD Patients 'Parks' Instead Of Pills

  • How This Woman Rebuilt Her Life After Emerging From A 90-Day Coma

    How This Woman Rebuilt Her Life After Emerging From A 90-Day Coma

  • What It's Like To Face The Threat Of Huntington's Disease

    Have I inherited Huntington's disease? The Lion's Mouth Opens, a new documentary from acclaimed director Lucy Walker, tells the story of Marianna Palka, herself a director and actress. It follows her journey of asking this life-defining question as she undergoes the genetic test to see if she, like her father, will face HD in her future.

  • How To Help Skeptical Teenagers Develop Their Spirituality

    How To Help Skeptical Teenagers Develop Their Spirituality

  • Why Finding Happiness At Work Is Crucial To Your Overall Well-Being

    According to the latest cover story from Live Happy magazine, only one percent of Americans love their jobs, and 70 percent are either unengaged or truly dislike their jobs. Deborah Heisz, the magazine's editorial director, joined HuffPost Live host Caroline Modarressy-Tehrani to discuss why these numbers are so poor and why it's important to find happiness in the workplace. When you find yourself feeling really stressed or unhappy, Heisz recommends practicing mindfulness meditation for a few minutes. Watch the HuffPost Live video above to hear the full conversation.

  • The Easy Way To Tell If Your Workout Pain Is A Problem

    To better understand where to draw the line, The Huffington Post spoke with Dr. Jordan Metzl, a sports medicine physician at the Hospital for Special Surgery in New York City, about the ways in which he typically advises his patients. "My general take is that if it doesn't hurt a little bit, you're not getting [more fit]," Metzl told The Huffington Post. "Pain and feeling uncomfortable is definitely a part of the exercise prescription for anybody who wants to help take their fitness to the next level, so that's important to think about.

  • 7 Workouts To Try When You're Feeling Too Lazy To Move

    When the urge to veg hits, the powerfully lazy mood seems as though it could take over your entire day. Here are seven simple workout options for when the thought of leaving the sofa simply makes you cringe. Whether you're in bed or on the couch, take a little time to work through each muscle group with gentle, dynamic stretching motions.

  • Don't Be Afraid To Trust In The Unknown

    “I am an old man and have known a great many troubles, but most of them have never happened,” renowned American author Mark Twain once said. Fear of the future is a very real struggle for many of us, but it doesn't have to be.

  • How To Choose The Best Workout For Your Current Mood

    It's likely that the problem lies not with your general hatred of exercise, but rather the particular workout you've selected. The same logic follows for exercise. Pairing your activity with your current mood can be one of the best ways to motivate yourself to stick to a weekly fitness routine, and you'll genuinely enjoy reaping the benefits instead of wishing you were someplace else. Just remember: It’s okay to channel that inner fire into your workout effort, but be sure to listen to your body when it says “stop.” It’s surprisingly easy and common to injure yourself when you push too hard in workouts fueled by strong, negative emotions.

  • How These 'High-Power' Moms Combat Their Mother's Guilt

    How These 'High-Power' Moms Combat Their Mother's Guilt

  • These Things Are Making Your Yoga Instructors Lose Their Zen

    These Things Are Making Your Yoga Instructors Lose Their Zen