Opinion: Catholicism's indoctrinations, methods to be Supreme Court's new normal

Peter Gentling point out that with six Catholic justices who were born into its controlling discipline, the Supreme Court has now begun to force its beliefs upon our nation.
Peter Gentling point out that with six Catholic justices who were born into its controlling discipline, the Supreme Court has now begun to force its beliefs upon our nation.

It is time for us all to speak up about our newly appointed Supreme Court.

The founding fathers saw our Constitution as a philosophical document with legal implications that could have many interpretations. It could be viewed and manipulated from many different angles. And when it was written, there was no way it could foresee future events to which it would be used legally. For that reason, this Constitution was purposely composed as a philosophical document. It has been tested severely since its beginning. The Constitution’s interpreter, the Supreme Court, is the the only branch of government with essentially no checks and balances. There is no higher court of appeal, and there is no control placed upon it. This court’s only avenue of control is through presidential nomination and congressional approval for a new justice. Our Constitution has given us a specific set of directives, but the real meat is its preamble. This is a philosophical statement and is its most important directive. This should be mandatory recitation for all legislators and justices to read before any session of court or Congress.

 “We, the people, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”

Lately we have made egregious errors in choosing some justices. Justices should be philosophers first, then lawyers, particularly since the philosophy makes the constitution and laws needed to protect it and make it function. Secondly, we shouldn’t choose judges who have been indoctrinated by a religion, any religion. These judges must understand that in the U.S. a person’s personal choices are sacrosanct and that no law should be passed that puts one person’s or group’s prejudices or beliefs above another’s. There are now six Catholic justices who were born into its strict controlling discipline. They have now begun to force their beliefs upon our nation. Some say the Supreme Court cannot legislate. True, but when they consider a law unconstitutional they refuse it. Thus, they significantly control legislation in our country.

Some serious people have come to think of human beings as sacred from conception. For them, aborting a pregnancy becomes a sin against God. This thinking even precedes conception. It tends to make the sexual act itself a sacred event. They are certain that humans are in a separate spiritual dimension and revered above other life forms. These people are welcome to their beliefs, but here, now, they are forcing these ideas upon those who believe that an unwanted, unloved child is tragic and that fetuses are not sentient beings. Some of these are the same people who prevent sex education for youngsters. Not only that, many of them believe that unless you are racially white and pure, you don’t deserve to vote; or that sexual identity in our complex human race is cast in stone. They fail to understand that not one of us can select our parents, that we all are effectively dumped into an indifferent world we cannot control. They lose sight of the extreme variability of the human race, that we ourselves are animals with organs and bodily functions just like cats and dogs and bears, that the sexual function of creatures, reptiles, mammals and the rest, is a prime mover in our brains.

As for our Supreme Court and its present justices, anyone who has been born into the Catholic church is aware of its indoctrinations and methods. It teaches its followers these lessons so forcefully that they are imprinted on all parts of the mind, so that the guilt burden of sin is constant. But what if Catholic catechism overwhelms their sense of openness to different ways of thinking, or of their concepts for a more perfect union and the blessings of liberty? Are these six able to promote and preserve this philosophy? This court is now speaking of giving more independence to the states, to limit federal oversight of voting procedures, to allow gerrymandering. Will they force us to become, not a union, but a collection of fifty small, competing countries? What is happening to our more perfect union? We must all re-think what we want our rapidly changing country to be, to use our minds and tongues and pens to set this nation on a productive, kinder course, a new road and vision. Our old one is faltering badly, unkindly, dangerously.

Peter Gentling is a retired surgeon and Asheville resident.

This article originally appeared on Asheville Citizen Times: Opinion: Catholicism's indoctrinations, methods America's new normal